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Search results

  1. B

    Best brush for lionheads?

    I got him from a shelter so I'm not completely sure, but my rabbit Albert appears to be a cross between a Netherland dwarf and a Lionhead. I have always struggled to groom the long fur around his head, especially since he doesn't like to be touched. I wondered if anyone could suggest any...
  2. B

    New rabbit has serious 'dandruff'

    I just brought home a rabbit from a shelter. The manager did let me know he's got some dandruff, but now I've got a closer look at home I can see the rabbit's got a problem that needs to be fixed. I've never had a rabbit with mites before, but my first impression is that this looks like walking...
  3. B

    How to introduce a new, bigger rabbit to my dwarf rabbit?

    Recently my rabbit Henry passed away, leaving Albert the lionhead/Netherland dwarf cross behind. To give an idea of how small he is, he weight 1.0kg. Today I went to pick up a lop from a shelter so that Albert wouldn't be alone, but there was a problem once I got there so I was directed towards...
  4. B

    Rabbit hunched and lethargic after a cold night and little fall

    I'd appreciate anyone's insight - Every morning when I open the hutch the first thing I do is clean it. So this morning I was sweeping the hay out of the room the rabbits sleep in, and one of them (Henry) was moving towards the hay as if he wanted to be near it, which he doesn't usually do. I...