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Search results

  1. T

    Slowing down greedy guzzlers

    Tigger has been getting a little too over-excited with his bedtime Burgess nuggets, so short of hand feeding him or using the treat balls, I was looking for any other ways to slow his guzzling down. I had looked at those slow-feed bowls you can get for cats and dogs but I'm not sure they'd work...
  2. T

    Winter Is Here - Outdoor playtime for indoor bunnies

    Do you let your indoor bunnies play outside in winter? If so, how cold is too cold? Ours love their outdoors playtime, but with Tigger's trouble this year with a RTI, we're a bit reluctant to let him out in the cold and snow. The last two winters though he loved being out in the snow.
  3. T

    A little spotting after cleaning scent glands?

    My wife picked Sophia up first thing this morning for a brush and when she put her on the tea towel on the bench she noticed a couple of reddish spots where she'd been sitting. She gave her a good check over and couldn't see anything, though she is a furry little girl and very dark in her...
  4. T

    Fighting after the vets!?

    As if these bunnies aren't stressing us out enough at the minute, this evening they've started fighting. Bonded boy and girl, neutered and spayed, and we've had Tigger along to the vet this evening with his ongoing nose problem. Sophia has come along each time on his visits and when we've...
  5. T

    Snuffling - Update - snotty again...

    We've had Tigger back to the vets yesterday after a new bout of snuffling - he had a course of antibiotics a few weeks ago. They've put him on a different course of antibiotics (Sulfatrim) and some metacam also. We started him last night and he's had his 2 doses today but tonight he seems even...
  6. T

    Stoat proofing a garden

    I'm not even sure this is possible, but aside from a run, what defences can we put in place to keep our bunnies safe whilst they're out playing? We have two house rabbits who love the garden, and are given free range when we're in (supervised in the garden). Last night however our neighbour...
  7. T

    How to get bigger dumps?

    Me little Tigger is approaching 2, and is at times what you might call a fussy eater. He was a rescue bunny and we've had him since he was about 3/4 months, no specific breed as we think he's a bit of mix. He's been on Burgess Junior dry pellets as he was tiny when we first brought him home and...
  8. T

    How to stop a house bunny pulling up carpets

    Tigger's a fully fledged house bunny, gets loads of attention, has toys, chews, food here there and everywhere, hay, etc, but now and then he just wants to pull up carpets. He gets told off, and knows when he's been naughty 'cos he then comes and gives us kisses to say sorry, but how else can we...
  9. T

    Encouraging bunny to eat more hay

    Any tips? Reluctant to reduce dry food etc as he's not a massive eater to begin with but we'd like him to eat more hay for his tummy/teeth.
  10. T

    Settling Little Tigger into his new home - advice please (preventing stasis)

    My first post here, though I have browsed for advice & comfort before (we recently lost our little 8yr old sort of suddenly but that's another story). We are adopting a lovely little 5 month old boy Tigger. 'Til recently he had been at a rescue charity with his 2 male siblings and when we met...