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Search results

  1. mrtaps

    Chilled out Marley!

    Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  2. mrtaps

    Chilled out Marley!

    Snapped this pic as quick as I could. She normally only lays down on the carpet but tonight little Marley-Rose decided she wants to cuddle up with dad for a bit. Purring away like a good'Un!!! Proper cute! Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  3. mrtaps

    I think we've bonded

    2 weeks after getting her Marley rose is stupidly comfortable around me haha. I think we have Deffo bonded. So glad we made the decision to give her a home! Licking me all the blimmin' time and rolling on to her side and chilling next to me etc. I think this is the start of a new found bunny...
  4. mrtaps

    Dylan and Darcy! (newly bonded)

    Amazing stuff. They're so cute! Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  5. mrtaps

    It's only been a week and....

    She shared the bed with us for a bit last night and she loved it. Hopping about like a kid on a sugar high haha. It's a great feeling getting the approval from bun. :) Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  6. mrtaps

    It's only been a week and....

    I always thought she was scared of me and she always seemed more happy in the presence of women. Seems I was wrong lol Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  7. mrtaps

    It's only been a week and....

    I was shocked! After all that she nestled up to me and just flopped down all chilled out next to my chest. I think she has a new found affection for me haha. Even the missus got jealous Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  8. mrtaps

    It's only been a week and....

    She's finally bonded with me! Marley rose is officially loving me up and just this minute started licking my face and trying to groom me! (Excuse the bad photos....she was tickling my face like mad!) Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  9. mrtaps

    Someone has been spoilt!

    Haha that's pukka! My bun would have a field day chewing it up mind you. Awesome buy! Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  10. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Thanks guys! Took her for her first health check and vaccinations yesterday too. The vet was an absolute bun lover and Marley-Rose was her last appointment of the day. Even she fell in love with her! She said that Marley-Rose had brightened up the end of her shift haha. Good news, she's in top...
  11. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Glad to hear it! We were a tad dubious at first but God she loves it! I've never bought so much cable tidy in my life lol Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  12. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Lol the name actually came from the other half's obsession with Bob Marley....but as she was a female we had to make it sound more of a feminine name. And Marley-Rose sounded good to us. Rolls off the tongue nicely. And you're not wrong! She is 100% a crazy little bun! So loveable!!! Sent...
  13. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Thank you kara :) Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  14. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Oh brilliant thanks! :) She is Deffo a little character at the moment. Chewing everything out of curiosity, standing on her hind legs, jumping and skipping about constantly and pooing like a machine lol. Luckily as an avid angler also, I have a lot of patience. Let's hope It comes in handy...
  15. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Here's just a few more pics of her lol Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  16. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Ah brilliant thank you very much :) She likes to climb on to our laps when she's with us....and has a tendency to try and climb up on to our shoulders. If she's held up against the body supported and in a standing up sort of position she seems to be OK. However if you hold her flat (sort of...
  17. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Thanks Gringle we adored her at first sight. Only had her a week now and she is a proper scatty little thing. Got her first health check and vaccinations today too. Like I said she is only around 3 months old at the moment but we are going to get her neutered. What sort of age is the best for...
  18. mrtaps

    New owner saying hello

    Hey guys and gals. My name is Ashley and im a First time bun owner here! So after a lot of deliberation the missus and I decided we would like to home a rabbit. With little knowledge we did a bit of research and ended up homing this little (and lively!) bundle of fluff. Marley-Rose is a 3...