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Search results

  1. Akire

    Would you have your Doe spayed? The discussion continues .. 26 May 2017

    I have two experiences to share as to why spaying and neutering is important in my opinion :) Story #1: When my boy Dunkin went to be neutered it was discovered that he had Cryptorchidism. His testicles were in his abdomen and unable to descend. They had to open up his abdomen to remove them...
  2. Akire

    DISTURBING: Petition against the Tippah county MS Rabbit scramble

    Shameful and barbaric. I'm not at all surprised it's still going on though, since Mississippi has pathetic animal welfare laws. They have no standard of care laws for the all the puppy mills operating in the state. They only step in to stop extreme abuse/neglect in the mills (when dogs are...
  3. Akire

    15 Photos of my 4 Rabbits

    All of your bunnies are so precious! They look so happy and spoiled.. I love it! :love:
  4. Akire

    Would you have your Doe spayed? The discussion continues .. 26 May 2017

    I would absolutely still have my female bunny spayed even if it turned out her chances of getting cancer are not as high. The risk is still there and it is a terrible way to die (not to mention totally preventable). I have volunteered at various rabbit rescues over the years and every single one...
  5. Akire

    Sore Hocks: Where to go from here?

    Sorry for not updating sooner! I called my vet after seeing your post Jack's-Jane and said I wanted pain meds (he's now on Metacam once a day). It seems to be making a noticeable difference in his activity levels. He's actually been running around a bit, binkying and playing! I don't remember...
  6. Akire

    Sore Hocks: Where to go from here?

    I've honestly just been having the most awful luck with vets around here :( The one he is currently seeing is recommended in the link you provided. She's supposed to be rabbit savvy. For some reason the vets around here just don't want to take this issue seriously. They just say "it's going to...
  7. Akire

    Sore Hocks: Where to go from here?

    bunnymum85 - Thank you, I really appreciate it and hope your bunny gets fully healed soon! Jack's-Jane - Thank you so much for responding, I will try to answer all your questions :) No Spinal Radiographs, just the back feet which showed mild arthritis that the vet didn't think was...
  8. Akire

    Sore Hocks: Where to go from here?

    Sorry, I know "treat" isn't really the right word since you cannot cure arthritis but can only manage the symptoms. It might not make a difference but I'm willing to try anything :) The way his wraps are, I use three gauze pads stacked and cut a small hole out of the middle. The vet said this...
  9. Akire

    Sore Hocks: Where to go from here?

    Thanks for the replies, I will look up posts by Jack's-Jane. One of the previous vets he saw was a highly recommended rabbit vet, but he was totally useless and didn't take it seriously. I think my experience wasn't what people normally experience with him, of course. :roll: The current vet is...
  10. Akire

    Sore Hocks: Where to go from here?

    My 8 year old bun named Dunkin (Dwarf mix) has been struggling with a bad case of sore hocks for a few months now (since the beginning of November 2016). When I say bad I mean bleeding, open wounds and infection. I'm really at a total loss of what to do because they just don't want to get better...
  11. Akire

    Sore Hock, weird looking!

    The bandages are to promote scar tissue, protect the granulation and keep his feet clean. Also, so he wouldn't lick at the ointment they applied. Maybe part of the reason only weekly is because Dunkin gets stressed out easily when held and will hyperventilate. I was told to sniff his feet...
  12. Akire

    Sore Hock, weird looking!

    They are bad right now. :( Ulcers, cracks, bleeding and a bit infected. A week earlier I checked his feet and they were mildly irritated so I applied some Bag Balm ointment. It just goes to show how quickly sore hocks can go from irritated to very bad. He saw two vets, since the first one was...
  13. Akire

    Sore Hock, weird looking!

    Unless the pipe system is in the bunny enclosure and she's sitting on it all the time then I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with her condition. You're an excellent bunny guardian, I can tell from the pictures and your concern. So please don't feel like it's your fault or that you are...
  14. Akire

    Sore Hock, weird looking!

    Don't be upset with yourself. I felt the same way when I saw how bad my buns hocks were. Sadly, once they get sore hocks they become very predisposed to it happening again. Often times bunnies who get sore hocks while on soft fabrics do so because they have poor posture and put too much weight...
  15. Akire

    Sore Hock, weird looking!

    It's extremely inflamed. The grey area could very well be a skin ulcer or blister. If it is then the risk of infection is extremely high. You need to be very careful to not let sore hocks get infected. There isn't much separating the skin from bone, so the infection can easily go into the bone...
  16. Akire

    Rabbits Vs. Guinea Pigs

    Even though I personally prefer rabbits myself, I would say guinea pigs. I've had them in the past and they are wonderful little animals. So personable and chubby. They seem to enjoy/tolerate handling better than rabbits. I've always liked how they will just chill with you. I would definitely...
  17. Akire


    It's good that you rescued her. Sounds like you're giving her a wonderful life! :)
  18. Akire


    Aw, she's a cutie. I'm glad all your trust building has paid off! My boy Dunkin has never liked being picked up in the 8 years he's been with me. I know our relationship is strong because he will give me kisses. Some just never get used to it and we have to accept that. Others are really good...
  19. Akire

    Dunkin: Lethargy/Breathing troubles *Update: Heart Murmur*

    I'm going to do neutral territory bonding sessions. Neither bun has been outwardly aggressive (as in attacking each other) even when they have not been in neutral territory. So that is very promising! I don't foresee me needing to do stress bonding. There has been some circling and nipping a...
  20. Akire

    Dunkin: Lethargy/Breathing troubles *Update: Heart Murmur*

    Update: Dunkin is perfectly healthy! No heart problems found during the echocardiogram. His lethargy and stressed out behavior is purely emotional then. That is pretty sad when you think about it. He was that bonded to Amber. Next time someone claims animals don't grieve I reserve the right to...