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Search results

  1. V

    Advice please

    Hi, So my bun has been off her food, poo size getting smaller and today was extremely lethargic. I took her to the vets and they gave some pain relief and Zantac syrup. They advised to give 0.6ml 2x daily, and to crush up her pellets and mix with water and syringe feed this every hour or two...
  2. V

    Help me decide!

    Hi guys So my rabbits live in a lovely shed which has been converted into a house for them. My dilemma is with the run. My initial plan was to connect the run to the shed (the run is pretty big, 8ft x 4ft). However, for one reason or another that hasn't happened yet. I know it's recommended...
  3. V


    So, it seems I am hooked on rabbits. It didn't take long! Recently I adopted 2 lovely buns from the RSPCA (after hijacking the husbands shed and converting it into a bunny residence). Within 3 weeks we lost one bun after a GA, which was awful. But now the remaining bun went back to the RSPCA...
  4. V

    Minnie is going speed dating

    My lovely boy Mickey passed away this week under GA for dental work. It's been a horrible week, especially for his widow! My main priority has been making sure Minnie is ok, so after a tough decision she is going back to the rescue I had her from for a week, to find a new husbun. Fingers...
  5. V

    Mickey has died :(

    I'm so upset. Mickey stopped eating yesterday, so off to the emergency vet last night. He has some fluids and I fed him via syringe and he was back to his normal self again last night. Seems the problem was with his teeth, so he went in for dental this morning, but died under anaesthetic...
  6. V


    I've been lurking on this forum for a few months but this is my first post :) I have used all the fab advice on here to prepare for my very first buns. Today I bought home Mickey and Minnie, adopted from my local RSPCA. They have a lovely converted shed they are settling in to, and so far...