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  1. briony_s

    Poo question

    Ha ha
  2. briony_s

    Poo question

    Thanks ive never seen one before it is a cecotroph mustn't have been in mood to eat it then!
  3. briony_s

    Poo question

    I can post pic if needed but didn't want to gross anyone out lol
  4. briony_s

    Poo question

    He did it on carpet like it fell out as he ran past i picked up with tissue and was squashy but not wet enough to make any kind of mess on carpet
  5. briony_s

    Poo question

    Ok so i got my rabbit on friday. I thought he poos seemed a bit small but as ive never had a lion head before thought it might be normal to be bit smaller. Well he's just done a poo shaped like a cat poo. Same shape / size made up of lots of round rabbit poos! Is this something to worry about?
  6. briony_s

    New to house bunnies

    Had to kick him out for little while as needed to clean him out he's not used litter tray he's been going "home" to toilet. He seems ok though just milling around cage is all ready for him to return but he's too busy being nosey to go back (there are a few new tunnels etc.. in livingroom since...
  7. briony_s

    New to house bunnies

    No I'm going to ask them to check if he's ready when there! He's only just 4 months old so about right time but vet said they'd need to check if testicles are developed. If they are will get him booked in. Is it better to maybe leave it a month til he's more settled?
  8. briony_s

    New to house bunnies

    Note he is going to vets tomorrow for health check vaccines etc.. so will get vet to see if ill also!
  9. briony_s

    New to house bunnies

    Ive had a rabbit before outside but I'm new to house bunnies! I got my bunny on Friday from a lady who had to re home as he was making her child wheezy. He's 4 months old fully litter trained and house trained. It started off well he quickly discovered how to get in and out of cage by himself. I...