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Search results

  1. P

    New rabbit- Old rabbit problem

    Hi, We got Sweetcorn on Thursday afternoon so she is still very new too us. She's a neutered female from a rescue centre. We got her to be a friend to our neutered buck. Currently as advised by the rescue place they are separate but next too each other, Ive done this by splitting the room...
  2. P

    Bloating or bloat in rabbits

    Hello everyone! Im after a little advice again please. Following on from Percy being neutered we have found a lovely wife bunny for him at a local rescue centre. She's also been neutered and they were looking to rehome her to someone who had a neutered male already and also someone who...
  3. P

    Little Percy update...

    A follow on from his vet appointment on Tuesday. He's a bit difficult to hold so it wasn't particularly easy! He's the friendliest little rabbit but prefers people on his level not being held. So firstly the vet took a sample of his hair to look for mites to explain his bald patch, this showed...
  4. P

    Ive got this rabbit owning all wrong!

    After my first thread re- castrating my rabbit and his producing horrid poo's Ive done a little more research. When we were younger we had rabbits and they were fed a "rabbit bowl" of food a day. The food came from the local pet shop and there was no problem. However I'm beginning to see its...
  5. P

    Castrating a male rabbit...and a few other bits!

    We don't have any major specific issues, he's not aggressive. In fact the opposite which is almost whats made me decide to castrate. He is very friendly but obviously I cant be with him 24/7 so figured castrated he can have a friend? A few concerns though, as in my area the fee's seem quite...
  6. P

    Hi, Im new to the forum!

    Hello, Ive joined the forum in search of a few answers! I had rabbits as a child (now a 36 yr old mother!!) and about 6 months ago had a dream we had another one which made me crave a rabbit in the family so along came Percy! He's a Dwarf Lop black buck. We love him to bits but are experiencing...