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Search results

  1. S

    Early stages of Myxomatosis??

    Only very recently, but when we had it done the vet didn't really check him over so I don't know if he could have had something before he was vaccinated.
  2. S

    Early stages of Myxomatosis??

    Bit of background information: I was gonna be getting my bun Percy a lady friend but we noticed his third eye was a little red and pussy so I've asked the shelter if they can hold our lady friend for a little bit longer until we got him to the vet. I noticed his eye a few days ago so i said if...
  3. S

    Indoor bun or outdoor bun

    Thanks for all the replies !! Its helped put my mind at ease lmao, I'm not too concerned about the noise really apparently im a really heavy sleeper so that's not an issue !! I'm thinking of trialling my current rabbit in my room and see how that goes :)
  4. S

    Indoor bun or outdoor bun

    I forgot to add, during the day in the spring/summer when it's nicer would it be a good idea to let the rabbit run around in a very secure run during the day when I'm out and buy one, maybe two, of these...
  5. S

    Indoor bun or outdoor bun

    I've asked about a billion questions on this forum so sorry !! I'm just trying to explore my options before committing to something I'm not sure about: I think my parents are going to let me get another rabbit friend for percy as he's been alone since we bought him from a pet store, we weren't...
  6. S

    New rabbits housing??

    Thanks for all the information !! I've looked at the pens and they super, would I be able to get one with a lid on or fashion a lid for it. I have two cats and they're normally fine with my rabbit but I don't know how they'll react to him being in the house (again they should be fine but just in...
  7. S

    House rabbits with new rabbit

    I'm planning on moving my 2 year old (3 in April) rabbit indoors once I litter train him, rabbit proof my room and get him nurtured. I'm also planning on adopting another rabbit for Percy if I can find a female at a similar age to him so if I moved my current rabbit indoors and then once they've...
  8. S

    New rabbits housing??

    I've been planning on getting my bun Percy a friend, he's about 2 now and when we first got him he was fine without one but now he seems really bored when he's alone even when I give him loads of toys and sitimulation !! I've wanted to get a friend for him that's a similar age to him but the...