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Search results

  1. HanaGirl

    Best Hay Choices Online Help, Please!

    Zooplus doesn't ship to the US, 😣😣. But I can get the Readigrass from Amazon! BunBun ate a computer cord last night 😠😠😠 not the power cord, thank goodness, but the thinner cooling mat cord. 😠😠😠 I gave him a bunch of Alfalfa last night before I put him to bed. This morning he seemed ok, went...
  2. HanaGirl

    Best Hay Choices Online Help, Please!

    I usually just put the Alfalfa on top of the Timothy Hay. He used to eat both really well and then I thought I was getting old Timothy Hay. The last few bags have been very dusty 😠. Luckily Petco will allow me to return it if he doesn't like it. And when I mixed the hays together, he'd just...
  3. HanaGirl

    Best Hay Choices Online Help, Please!

    And I was reading that the Alfalfa Hay is good for young bunnies, so maybe it's not bad that he's just eating that right now. I just want him to eat the Timothy Hay when it's time to switch him over.
  4. HanaGirl

    Best Hay Choices Online Help, Please!

    I think I can get BinkyBunny.com to deliver to Maui. I just have to see how much for shipping. The reviews of they're mini hay bale are great.
  5. HanaGirl

    Favorite greens?

    I usually get an organic "mixed greens" Spring Mix. It has spinach, romaine, minuza, arugula, radicchio, and other baby lettuces. BunBun likes kale and I try everything with him. BunBun is pretty picky and has only recently been interested in fruits and veggies. So the salad mix is my go-to for...
  6. HanaGirl

    Best Hay Choices Online Help, Please!

    Aloha, everyone, my BunBun has gone on a Hay Strike and it's very upsetting. We have very limited resources here on Maui and I've tried everything I can get my hands on for him and he's totally rejecting all of it. He's only 5 months old, and I give him Alfalfa and Timothy Hay (Kaytee and...
  7. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    Thanks Mrs. Bunnykins! I think you described my BunBun very well. I think he's sort of like a cat in that he comes to me when he wants to play, and at night he seems to love sitting on the couch with my husband. He totally tolerates me picking him up and grooming him or letting me play with...
  8. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    Hi Captain Helen! Thanks so much for the welcome. Yes, BunBun is very lucky he's adorable at the moment cos I just noticed he ate an iPhone cord (that one was free but I can't find another charger at the moment) and he is slowly destroying the moulding around my rental AND has taken to...
  9. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    Hi rainbow_sammie! Have you noticed a difference in the behavior of your Lionhead from your other rabbits? I've read all sorts of things about Lionhead, but mostly that they shouldn't be the first rabbit one owns (my BunBun is my first rabbit and I've never owned anything other than dogs and...
  10. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    Hi Mackers! :waves: I love unwrapping BunBun and taking him out of his cage in the mornings. He tends to run a few loops around the table in the living room, with a few binkies thrown in for good measure. I usually go to bed with our daughter early so my husband has taken to keeping BunBun out...
  11. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    Hi G-Man! I'm sure you'll have a few people taking you up on your offer to carry bags. I'm sure BunBun would love all the attention. He'll wait for you at the door, lol.
  12. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    Aloha! I've been on Maui for 7 years now, and don't ever imagine myself leaving. You are indeed lucky for having to visit twice. I used to work at the pool at the Sheraton Hotel and I loved talking to all the visitors.
  13. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    Hi Zoobec! I have a friend in Sheffield, small world indeed :)
  14. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    I've read that Lionheads could lose all their "lion fur" depending on their genes. I got him from a reputable pet store and they said he'd be the size of a football. The vet technician said BunBun will be very small, not much bigger than he was at 5wks when I first got him, and the vet himself...
  15. HanaGirl

    Aloha from Maui!

    Hi everyone, my name is Stacey and I have a 3 month old Lionhead (mix?) called BunBun. Lack of creativity and my 3.5 year old daughter, Aoife, produced the name ;) I'm new to all things rabbit and I'm very grateful to have found such a community filled with useful information. BunBun is our...