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Search results

  1. erspearson

    Just chillin'

    OK, if you want to flop out, that's fine, I'll keep a look out. Right, my turn now.
  2. erspearson

    Sugar and Bramble bonding

    So it's been a while since Sugar went through her spay which ended up being a bit of a saga for both of us. http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?422123-Spay-day-Weds-14-May-14-U-D-Call-the-fashion-police!-42 All settled down and peace and harmony resumed in the Edward+Sugar...
  3. erspearson

    While you were sleeping...

    We was GARDENING!
  4. erspearson

    Empty house

    Just came home to find the house empty, no sign of Sugar. Found a note by the litter tray: "Edward, gone out on a date. Don't wait up, think I'm going to get lucky. Sugar xxx" Well, no, not really. She is out on a date and not coming home but she has a chaperone. She's at ARC being introduced...
  5. erspearson


    Phew, it's hot in London today and it's forecast to be hotter tomorrow. As a new rabbit owner I've realised that I'm not very sure what I should be doing to take care of my ward. I know rabbits can't deal with heat very well (they don't sweat, all they can do is to increase the blood flow in...
  6. erspearson

    Not much longer now Sugar

    Edward, please tell me I won't have to wear this silly 'onesie' after we go to the vet tomorrow morning to have my stitches out. Sugar
  7. erspearson

    Cecily Parseley

    Cecily Parsley lived in a pen, And brewed good ale for gentlemen; Gentlemen came every day, till Cecily Parsley ran away. Beatrix Potter
  8. erspearson

    RHS Chelsea Flower show

    Do you know if pets are allowed into Chelsea? Sugar and I were watching Gardeners World last week and they were covering the Malvern Festival and she thought it looked brilliant fun. I think she's interested in voting for the tastiest show-garden medal. :D
  9. erspearson

    Spay day - Weds 14-May-14 - U/D: Call the fashion police! #42

    It's Sugar's spay today. Any other buns going through the same today? It's my first time - can I hold somebody's hand please :|
  10. erspearson

    Sugar's afternoon delight

    Sugar loves the fleecy pillow from her hidy-house; sometimes a little too much. Contains adult themes.
  11. erspearson

    Hello from Brentford!

    Hi! I'm Edward and I have just become servant to Demerara Sugar (or just Sugar). I've not had a bunny (or any other pet) for over 30 years! She's a rehome via P@H, believed to be about two years old. I've been think of getting a bunny for a couple of years and have been reading the forums here...