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Search results

  1. DoeEyed

    Local Rabbit Sanctuary's reaction to me wanting a house rabbit..!

    My message to them: Their response: My response: Their response: I'm feeling really deflated about this to be honest. Finding rabbit sanctuaries local to me is difficult, and this seemed like a good bet at first, but after this I'm actually starting to think I shouldn't even get...
  2. DoeEyed

    Friends reaction to me wanting a house rabbit...

    Eck.. :( So my close friend Cassie knows that I want a rabbit to live with me and my partner in our apartment. This wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't scared to death of her reaction (she is an animal rights activist... and VERY quick to judge, it seems... i.e. The other day she commented on how...
  3. DoeEyed

    Newbie considering house bunnies!

    Hey all! :) I am contemplating getting involved in the house bunny world! I don't yet own any bunnies, as I want to ensure I can provide a happy life for them, so I'm just spending time doing my research right now. I live in a one bedroom flat with my partner (also interested in house bunnies...