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Search results

  1. Jbun

    Help please - sick rabbit, vet cannot resolve

    I'm so sorry your rabbit is unwell and having such difficult health issues at the moment. I don't know if baytril is the cause of your rabbits skin condition, but I wouldn't rule it out completely as a possibility. Any medication has the potential to cause a negative reaction, whether...
  2. Jbun

    What to Feed Mum

    Is she also getting hay and pellets? If you are feeding pellets, are they alfalfa based and at least 16% protein? Mother rabbits need much more protein and nutrients to support nursing babies. Usually pellet rations have to be increased to provide this, gradually increasing over the first...
  3. Jbun

    I think Fiver's thrown his back out again :(

    I don't know if this is something you are interested in or would feel comfortable doing, but both famotidine(Pepcid) and ranitidine(Zantac) are otc for us humans here in the US(otc meds for your own pets is legal in the US). But they are both in pill form, so it would have to be divided up into...
  4. Jbun

    Oxbow Bunny Basics

    I used them for a few years in very limited amounts, mostly without issue. I do have one bun that would get too excited when given them and consume them too quickly, and a couple of times started to appear to be choking, but it only lasted a few seconds before he was ok and his airway cleared...
  5. Jbun

    Poo colour

    The color of a rabbits fecal droppings can vary from dark to golden, depending on what the rabbit eats. The only time to worry where the color is concerned, is if the fecal poo is pale, bright green, or bright yellow. These can all be an indication of illness.
  6. Jbun

    Unexpected litter

    It's not usual for them to add more hay to the nest once they've had their babies. It's possible she could be having more(rabbits have two uterine horns), so keep a look out for more babies on their way. If she is covering the original nest with more hay, then I would be concerned about the...
  7. Jbun

    french lop feeding

    One thing you can feed to young rabbits to up their protein and calcium to help with weight gain and growth, if you find that you can't increase pellets any more for that, is gradually add in a bit of good leafy alfalfa/lucerne hay. Though you do have to watch out for the extra calcium from it...
  8. Jbun


    I know they'll shake when they are in pain. Not sure about if they are cold though.
  9. Jbun

    Can't seem to get the bunnies to sit still

    I think here on the forum, we just guess that most people asking questions are likely in the UK, so opinions and information are going to be expressed from that point of view, at least until we know differently. In the UK or even the US, it's a bad thing for any shop to be selling a baby 4...
  10. Jbun

    Help with run please

    One thing that might work better is instead of having a panel that sits directly in front of their unit, don't have a panel there at all. And if you don't need to protect that wall to the right of the unit from any chewing, then you can also remove those panels from along that wall. This will...
  11. Jbun

    Literature about neutering

    If you haven't looked at this study already, this is referenced in one of Jane's links. It's an older study by Greene, and seems to be used in a lot of the pro spay articles, as the basis for why female buns should be spayed...
  12. Jbun

    Advice please asap

    She would be able to tell if she's experienced enough with rabbits. I just know how a bloated stomach can be easy to miss, and being here in the US with very few vets experienced and knowledgeable about rabbits, I guess I've just come to be more cautious about trusting whether or not a vet...
  13. Jbun

    Advice please asap

    Have they checked that the stomach itself isn't bloated, have they taken xrays? Paddling can sometimes be associated with bloating as it puts a lot of pressure on the chest(lungs and heart) area. Bloating of the stomach is different than if the lower belly is bloated. You sometimes can't tell...
  14. Jbun

    Ok help please...

    At about 12 weeks old I had to separate my group of 3 brothers. When those hormones come in they get excessively humpy, and as a result this usually ends up irritating the other buns on the receiving end of it, and fights result. Neutering does damp this down a lot, which in turn helps lessen...
  15. Jbun

    Bonding Diary - Anna and Abby

    Would maybe the slow approach work better with these two, by giving Abby more time to gradually get used to Anna? The trembling would worry me.
  16. Jbun

    Daisy not right again :( U/D Gained half a kg!!!

    Just based on my own experience trying to find the best dose for my old arthritic rabbit, I found that gradually reducing made it somewhat difficult to notice at what point she became uncomfortable again, because the gradual increase in discomfort was difficult to pick up on until the dose was...
  17. Jbun

    I would usually be able to advise him myself but I am way too tired to functuion.

    If he's a baby bunny that has just been recently weaned and/or separated from siblings, it is possible he could be feeling depressed or nervous because of this. If the bunny's cage isn't next to one of the other bunnies, I would try putting their cages next to each other to see if it perks him...
  18. Jbun

    Big bunny little bunny, way too much food?

    Can you give them both head rubs/affection at the same time? Maybe she is feeling left out.
  19. Jbun

    Too much dried forage?

    There might be a limit for specific plants due to certain properties they might have, but generally I don't know that forage needs to be limited at all when a variety of plants are used. Forage is just plants that have nutrients and fiber, same as hay. So it certainly could even be a...
  20. Jbun

    Post neutering care advice please

    I've used a cotton sack filled with rice then heated in the microwave, before I had a snuggle safe. Works well, just doesn't stay warm for as long. eta: That would be dry uncooked rice just to clarify. This link also has some good tips for post op care. Important thing is monitoring their...