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Search results

  1. S

    Please help me decide whether to continue bonding these two

    Ok, well, I am trying yet again with SD and Lily (2 one year old spayed females--SD was supposed to be a boy, but turned to be a girl, she had never neen to the vet--so I spayed her to give this the best chance of working) and it is not going well. Fights keep breaking out and SD is really...
  2. S

    Right Now, Girls first meeting, in the midst if it--no idea if this is going well???

    So, I put my two spayed girls in a pen in a neutral space to try bonding for the first time. SD immediately began humping Lily. Lily took it the first 4 times, then they were jumping all over each other. I broke it up after a minute, but kept them in the pen. This happened immediately again...
  3. S

    Challenges bonding two spayed females--is this a lost cause?

    I have two buns, a lionhead mix and a rex. I had the lionhead first and she has always been kind of shy, never aggressive to me. Her name is Lily and she lived the first 8-10 weeks of her life as a feral bunny, but now, 8 or 9 months later, likes being petted and has always--I thought--been...
  4. S

    Hi from Korea

    Greetings from Korea and a relatively new rabbit owner. It all started last May when I found a baby white rabbit hopping around where I live. I thought she was an pet who escaped, and a group of neighbors and I managed to catch her--only to find that she was one of a litter of bunnies born of...