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Search results

  1. D

    Minnie's mouth abscess

    Our Nethie Minnie (aged 3) was taken to the vets to have her teeth burred as we noticed she was grinding her teeth and drooling. When under anaesthetic, the vet noticed an abscess in her mouth. The vet put her on Baytril, but this had no affect and then we progressed to injected antibiotics. We...
  2. D

    Bonding when one bun is hutch aggressive

    Hi there, Have any of you had any experience with this? We brought in a 5 month old, neutered lionhead to bond with our 2 year old spayed netherland dwarf. The male is hutch aggressive and the rescue did warn us that he will grunt and go for you when you put your hand into his hutch. We followed...
  3. D

    Story of a Non Hay Eater

    Hi all, Just wanted to share the story of my lil nethie Minnie's diet. Minnie was adopted and lived on muesli, lots of muesli. And no hay. As a result, she had teeth spurs, which are very painful and expensive to treat. When we got her, we gave her hay and she thought it was a game and would...
  4. D

    Question about Using Bark

    I'm currently getting a section of my garden ready for the bunnies. We don't have a lawn, the garden is paved in parts, decked in parts and gravel in parts. The bunny proof part is half paved and half gravel. We rent so I don't want to go ripping anything up but I thought I might replace the...
  5. D

    Adopted new bunny - found a whole heap of problems

    Me and my husband foster small animals for a charity but we recently decided to get a rabbit of our own. I didn't want to buy from a shop or breeder so I kept my eye out for the perfect little bun in the classifieds. I found what I was looking for a few days ago, a pretty netherland dwarf...
  6. D

    ASBO bunny

    We've had a foster rabbit with us for a couple of months now. The owners gave her up because she reached maturity and started thumping, grunting and thrashing out and it became impossible for them to get her out of the hutch. When we went to collect her, we discovered that the hutch was tiny...
  7. D

    Pooping in the Wrong Compartment

    Hi, Our 2 does were re-homed in a new, larger hutch a couple of weeks ago. The hutch is long, with the 'bedding' compartment to the right hand side. I would have thought that this would be the bed compartment because there is no mesh, just a wooden door so more privacy and less draught. However...
  8. D

    Mad Doe Behaviour - Need Advice

    Hey there, I recently adopted 2 does. One is outgoing, lively and easy to handle, the other is quiet, grumpy, stubborn and sometimes a bit mean. The outgoing one keeps humping the quiet one and today I found her making a nest. I thought I had her figured out but I'm confused by the dominant...
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    Rain Soaking Inside the Hutch

    My buns are in a 2 level hutch. The bottom is pretty open apart from some tarp we put down one side to keep out the wind. The back of the hutch backs onto a concrete wall which is in a sheltered part of the garden. We've had a lot of rain recently and the bottom is getting quite wet. The buns...
  10. D

    Introduction from me and mine

    Hiya, I'm Debra and I recently adopted 2 lovely does which me and husband have renamed Kara and Boomer (nerdy BSG fans!). I have one million questions about rabbit care - it's been a steeper learning curve than looking after guinea pigs but i'm really enjoying getting to know them. We moved to...