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Search results

  1. B

    My Fifi appreciation thread <3

    Because I am so proud of my little Fifi bun for being one of the most resilient, spirited little souls I have ever met, I thought I would put all my fave pics in the same place. Seems espcially important while her biopsy results are still not back, as right at this moment I am just too excited...
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    Fifi: p.72- Summary of vet consult

    Fifi has been admitted to the vets for tests - distended abdomen - she isn't eating, doesn't seem to be weeing or pooping today (I think the majority of what had been in the litter tray this morning belonged to George). Vet said it seemed like she was in pain and we are looking at: 1) Stasis 2)...
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    What could relapsing EC look like?

    Some of you might remember the turbulent time that Fifi had last year with her EC - temporary loss of use of her hind legs, marked head tilt, epic ear infection. She came through it and she has been doing very well subsequently. She has a very, very slight tilt still but otherwise you wouldn't...
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    Sidney - 13/12/12 :(

    I have dreaded the day I have cause to come to the Rainbow Bridge part of the forum and write a post of my own, but here I am and it feels like exactly the right place to tell you all about Sidney. We first met Sid at the Rabbit Residence Rescue when looking for a husbun for little Poppy...
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    Sid's slipped disc UD 10th Oct

    My gorgeous Sid seems to have limited use of his hind legs today. Off to vets 11.30. So sad to see him stumbling and dragging himself around :-( if anyone could think of him today I would really appreciate it xx
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    FAO Parnsipbun & Parsley! Nomming pictures

    My crew just wanted to say thank you very much for the yummy noms, willow has turned out to be the favourite! Fifi of course has first dibs as she is feeling so under the weather. She had been upside down for about an hour while I cleaned the others out and gave them their breakfast. I popped...
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    Fifi: EC/Head Tilt/Ear infection: 31/07 Update

    I am currently away from home, but had a phone call from my mum (we equally share responsibility for our 4 buns) to say that Fifi is moving her head left to right about as rapidly as a resting heart beat, and her eyes are moving about coordinated with the head movements (scanning??). Mum has...
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    Depression in rabbits?

    I hope this isn't a silly question, but can rabbits be depressed? I know that they can grieve and are obviously also capable of moments of utter joy - and why shouldn't they have moods like other animals? Humans do, as far as I'm concerned dogs & cats do, so surely rabbits must. I ask about my...
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    Homeopathic bunny health

    My mum went to ASDA yesterday and bumped into a lady in the herbs section - they made good friends and eventually realised they were both bulk buying basil for their bunnies :) they did the usual chatter we all do, you know, "How many have you got, What are their names" etc, etc. Turned out she...
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    My little Poppy <3

    I thought I would post some recent pics of my little Poppy, who gave me a scare this weekend when on Saturday she stopped eating and went all floppy and despondent (see Health thread). She is doing better today and I am so proud of her. She is the smallest of my four buns (lots of fur to make up...
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    Poppy - off day/ UD Baytril & Fibreplex

    Hi all, I haven't posted for a while, but knew that you would be the best to speak to about this: Due to oversleeping, I didn't get outside to my four bunnies (2 x seperate pairs) today until 11.30 (I usually get to them between 7.30/8am for cleaning out and replenishing of water bottles &...
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    Poppy the lionhead's quest for love: UD Going well!

    Following an unsuccessful bonding attempt with lovely Linford, we dropped Poppy off at the rescue this afternoon. We had already picked out some potential suitors for her prior to our visit. Here she is sunning herself. We were all prepared with the names of the buns we'd like to see, and...
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    Lady Fifi having major op today :( UD Sounding okay...

    Yesterday when checking the buns for flystrike/mucky bum we noticed Fifi had a scab on the inner thigh area of her hind leg. On closer inspection for a clean up, it revealed a gaping wound with muscle on display :( Needless to say we boxed her and George up and whizzed them to the vets, and he...
  14. B

    I am very excited UD: No bond :(

    that the furry family will hopefully be complete by the end of the week! :D:D You already know handsome George and gorgeous Fifi, very much in love and canoodling outside as I type..... In February came my little cutey Poppy.... Having the remote control removed as we decided this was...
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    FAO kk_kayla (and anyone else who likes gorgeous fluffy bunnehs...)

    Introducing the rather beautiful Poppy... After an hour long journey from Luton, Poppy recovered very quickly :) She nommed on lots of hay... and snoozed in her own special tube.... This morning she has been binkying around my bed which has been brilliant to see, although I've gained a...
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    The furry family...

    ... will increase by one little fluffball tomorrow :) And I couldn't be more excited!! I am collecting one of kk_kayla's little ones to bring home and join the crew. :wave:
  17. B

    George and Fifi! <3

    I think I've only done one photo post about my little beauties, so I think it's high time they had another. The weather is a bit milder today, so it was definitely play time :) George is the harlequin and Fifi is the (correct me if I'm wrong!) tri-colour broken butterfly lop....maybe...
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    Harry and Pansy - my 10 yr old moggies :)

    Pansy didn't really appreciate being papped, as you can see... She has some fur loss on her front paws, which you can just about see in the first picture. The vet has been made aware of it, but as it's not bothering her and doesn't seem to be spreading, we are not persuing treatment. *Yawn*...
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    CONSTANT humping - help!

    Dear RUers. I have been very lucky with my two bunnies. They bonded very well and to me they seem totally in love. HOWEVER. On Saturday morning, George started humping Fifi (head and bum) and it's been almost constant since then. Fifi doesn't seem too worried, she's still grooming him between...
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    US Dept of Transport - testing corrosive substances on rabbits

    The US Department of Transportation are needlessly testing corrosive substances on rabbits, without even administering any pain relief to the poor creatures. The link below is for a petition to the Department Secretary...