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Search results

  1. B

    The Lodge has lodgers!

    Shame the sun isn't shining, but I'm very proud of it anyway. This is the 8ft by 5ft playhouse we got from freecycle, some months ago now. It has been stripped, re-painted, re-felted and has an attached 7ft by 5ft run. It is home to Dandy, Domino, Sherbert, Cinnamon, Oscar and Murphy. Dandy...
  2. B

    The Secret 7 get an extension

    ...to their bonding pen that is! The pictures suggest they are very appreciative. I love my bonded buns :love: Nom nom nom Is this our new juice bar? Do you mind, I'm having a rest! Home sweet home All in a row What's this whole new level? Tickle tickle I've just realised what this box...
  3. B

    Where can I get

    The wide flexible plastic tubes from? Like sewerage ones? I want to make a burrow from the playhouse to a run on the grass and wondered if I could get a cheaper piece than the runaround pipe as I think I need it to be longer.
  4. B

    The feel of bunnies...

    lying over your feet:love: I've strategically placed my feet around a bowl of graze-on. Oh I do love having my buns indoors :love: Dandy is flopped out right next to me
  5. B

    When can they go outside?

    I've been bonding my 7 buns since Friday. Made their space bigger yesterday and still no problems. They were originally a trio and two pairs, and all are mixing, grooming each other and flopping with different friends. When do you think I could make the move outside with them? They will be...
  6. B


    Went to the horse supplies shop today where I normally get my megazorb from, and asked for Readigrass. They stock Graze-On instead, which I know some of you use. Just tried my lot on it and they keep coming over to say thankyou then running back for another piece :love: Two sacks of megazorb and...
  7. B

    By the third day of bonding, the bunnies gave to me...

    Many friends a flopping Many nommers nomming And a cute one from Dandy :love: The Secret 7
  8. B

    It's probably a no, but I thought I'd ask...

    My buns have been bonding since Friday. So far I think all is going really well. Today is day 3, and I am feeling very guilty for them being indoors in this gorgeous weather. Do you think it would be a bad idea to make them a neutral pen on the grass, same size as what they have now but with...
  9. B

    Has anyone ever washed their tunnels...

    in the washing machine? Mine have been out all winter and I wanted to give them a good wash before the (hopefully) bonded group use them again. I figured I had nothing to lose and popped one in on a 30 wash. It seems to have fared well, the other one is in now.
  10. B

    Do anybody elses buns...

    savour their water?! When Murphy has a drink for a good while afterwards he savours it by licking and licking his chops as if to acknowledge how tasty it was.:lol:
  11. B

    To all with indoor bunnies...

    I am very jealous! My lot are in at the moment bonding, and I am mesmerised. I think that because they are outdoor buns I miss many behaviours. I have just seen Murphy flop for the very first time. He literally threw himself down with a real thud, and lay with a "heaven" look on his face. I'm...
  12. B

    Nerves of steel - the big bond UPDATE pics #8

    Well the big bond has begun. Prepared the area using neutral lino offcut and scrubbed play pen sections really well. HUGE pile of hay littered with carrot gratings and some pellets. 2 water bottles. Bunny History Dom and Dandy f/m bonded pair, Oscar and Murphy m/m bonded pair, Shadow, Cinnamon...
  13. B

    Bonding space for group of 7

    Bonding is due to commence today for my 7 buns :shock: What size space would you recommend? I have read previous posts but as I am doing a large bond thought maybe I needed to use a slightly larger space than if bonding 2 or 3 buns. I have a large piece of neutral lino for the floor, and will be...
  14. B

    Good run and cat flap recommendations

    Please can anyone recommend a good run? I know a few people on here got one from Ebay and were impressed. I am wanting to attach it onto the side of the playhouse, so looking at 5ft by 7ft.
  15. B

    Organic chemical free lawn food

    I have some of this that I use on the front lawn and wondered if it would be OK to use on the back as it is organic and chemical free? Probably a no but thought I would ask anyway. My buns aren't on the grass at the moment, though they normally have access to it every day as they free range. It...
  16. B

    Alfalfa seeds 3 questions

    How long do you let it sprout before giving it to your buns? Mine has been sprouting a week and I gave them all a pinch yesterday. How long can I keep it sprouting before it is past its best? How much should/can they have in one go? I foolishly starting germinating the whole pack of seeds at...
  17. B

    Sherbert's eyebrows

    Have you ever seen such painted on eyebrows? The older he gets, the more painted on they look :love: I think he sneaks out and gets them styled. They have a perfect arch.
  18. B

    Is it a bird? Is it a plane?...

    Murphy: Mum, have you seen Oscar? Oscar: Wheeeeeeeeeee! Murphy: Oh hi Osc, there you are. Grab a taste of this hay. I hope this isn't just a flying visit :roll::lol: I was laughing so loud, my neighbours must have thought (clarrified) that I was (am) potty. Oscar had a nibble of hay, got...
  19. B

    The Lodge - renovation in pictures

    Thought I would open a new thread for the freecycle playhouse I picked up. So far it has been...eventful. It took three trips and three different types of transport to finally get all pieces home. Then, the base which my OH left leant against the side of our house (weighs an absolute tonne, it...
  20. B

    Fenugreek crunchies

    Just ordered our first pack, can't wait for them to arrive :)