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  1. C

    Would change of hay cause unformed cecals?

    Yeah I think thats what i'll do, wont be able to get his usual hay until tomorrow but the hay is the only change in his diet so it's the only thing I can think of. Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon :)
  2. C

    Would change of hay cause unformed cecals?

    Bubba has always been fed on timothy hay, but a few days ago I bought a bag of Excel Herbage with dandelion and marigold. It's 98% timothy hay, so I thought it wouldn't be too much of a change from his normal stuff, and it's sweet smelling and very green. He absolutely loves it and has been...
  3. C

    Pictures of Bubba, from baby to now :)

    Haha he's neither :lol: He's a british shorthair, silver tabby for a dad and british blue for a mum. They're not recognised as an actual colour, but theyre sometimes called snow spots ;)
  4. C

    Men + cute animals

    aww, love this thread :) Here is my boyfriend Sam sharing his banana with Bubba. He knows it's his favourite treat so he always ends up having one just so he can give him a bit. Sam adores Bubba, and I sometimes walk in the room to find them laying on the floor together having a chat :lol:
  5. C

    Doesn't like it outside?

    Thanks for putting my mind at rest :) I was just worried about how still he sits when he's in the run for so long, wanted to make sure he wasn't terrified of the outdoors or anything :lol: thanks
  6. C

    Doesn't like it outside?

    Hi :wave: Bubba is a house rabbit, and has a cage indoors, which he sleeps in and stays in when he can't be supervises. He loves his cage, enjoys rearranging everything in it and always seems very excited when he gets to go back into it after being out. He also has a large double decker hutch...
  7. C

    How to catch a free ranging rabbit in the garden?

    Thanks everyone :) Bubba does go crazy for his pellets, so i'll try that :) Looks like most people's bunnies have a passion for freedom too :lol: I'll let you know how it goes!
  8. C

    How to catch a free ranging rabbit in the garden?

    My mini lop Bubba is a house rabbit, but during the day I let him free range the garden because it's safe and secure. At night he sleeps in a cage indoors, and on rainy days or days i've been out he comes out into the room his cage is in for some free range time too. When Bubba is out indoors...
  9. C

    New enclosure - Stage 1 complete!!..

    Wow, it looks great so far, keep up the good work :D can't wait to see pics when its done and the buns are in :D
  10. C

    Litter training help, and your experiences? :)

    Thanks :) is there any way you got your buns used to the hard flooring? Bubba grunts when i've tried to set him down onto it, I think he hates it because he slips around a bit. After he's had some practice walking on it, do you think he will get used to it?
  11. C

    Meet Bubba =) lots of pics!

    If you think this is cute wait til I post the video! Haha :D
  12. C

    Meet Bubba =) lots of pics!

    Here he is... Showing off his 'up' ear :lol: Welcoming you into his playground :) Pretending to be using his litter tray :roll: Giving me kisses :love: Mr confident :p
  13. C

    Litter training help, and your experiences? :)

    Bubba, my young male (8 weeks) has settled in extremely well and is a house rabbit (although he has access to a run during part of the day.) So far i've moved the litter tray into the corner of his cage which he tends to urinate in most, it has carefresh in it with a layer of hay over the top...
  14. C

    Hello everyone =)

    Bubba is home and has settled in surprisingly quickly! He has been eating lots of hay today and loves sitting on my lap giving me lots of licks and nudges, very friendly boy already :D He is a mini lop, white with a little grey nose, tail and his ears are darker too. He has lovely bright...
  15. C

    My new fav pic of Stan

    Awww! Stanley is adorable. Those eeaaars :love:
  16. C

    Hello everyone =)

    Hi everyone, :wave: just posting to say i'm new here but you can expect me to become a regular :lol: Been wanting a rabbit for years, and after the last several weeks spent researching them and finding the perfect bunny for me, I will be adopting my first tomorrow evening :) I plan to take the...