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Search results

  1. Tracey8581

    My rabbits are over weight (I think) How do I put them on a diet?

    Hi all. I have two rabbits, Bramble and Poppy. Since the back end of last year I have seen that they have both increased in weight especially Bramble. I have always fed them twice a day on Excel Lite until I started to drop it down to once a day as I felt they were getting to fat. Before I...
  2. Tracey8581

    New house needed for my buns

    Hi all, I need some help. I would like to buy or build a new home for my two buns. I would like it to be very big (like a wendy house style) for them so I don't need to attach a separate run. Does anyone know where I can buy one from either new or second hand? Thanks
  3. Tracey8581

    My kitten

    Hi All, Here are some photos of the new arrival to our home. She isn't old enough to leave her Mum yet, the 8 weeks can't come soon enough. She is mega cute!
  4. Tracey8581

    My rabbit loves to eat newspaper! Help!!

    :wave: I am looking for some help. My Bramble has started to eat news paper when he is in his hutch with Poppy. I feed them on Excel lite and they have a mixture of veg, but he keeps eating newspaper that Poppy enjoys digging up! If he keep eating it will it harm him? what can I do?? Thanks :)
  5. Tracey8581

    Loosing Fur

    Hi. :wave: My Bramble is loosing his fur down his back. I am not sure if it is serious or if he is just moulting. There is short fur underneath the fur that has come out but it is just one section of his back at the moment. :( I don't want to take him to the vets in case I am just being silly...
  6. Tracey8581

    Bramble chasing Poppy all the time... What to do?

    I am a little concerned about my buns..... I have recently rescued Poppy from the RSPCA. I was told that she was 1 years old which I thought was perfect so she could be a friend for Bramble who is just over 1 years old. She has been with me now over two weeks and has seemed to settle in fine...
  7. Tracey8581

    Run rabbit run!

    I am a little concerned about my buns..... I have recently rescued Poppy from the RSPCA. I was told that she was 1 years old which I thought was perfect so she could be a friend for Bramble who is just over 1 years old. She has been with me now over two weeks and has seemed to settle in fine...
  8. Tracey8581

    Introducing Bramble & Poppy

    Hello everyone! Here are my lovely rabbits. Poppy Bramble
  9. Tracey8581

    Meet Bramble and Poppy

    Hi. I was asked if I have any photos of my lovely rabbits... so here they are! Bramble
  10. Tracey8581

    Cleaning up droppings

    Hi. I am wondering if anyone can tell me the best way to clean up rabbit dropping from grass, I am thinking of buying a garden hoover! I have two rabbits that love my garden but I want to keep it clean and tidy too.
  11. Tracey8581

    New Member

    :wave:Hello all I have just found this site via Goggle. I adore rabbits. I have two lopp eared rabbits called Bramble (i have had him since he was a baby) and Poppy (she is rescued from the RSPCA in Chesterfield).