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Search results

  1. wabbit!

    Just putting out feelers...Cornish bun keepers?

    I have two 3 yr old does living together. I am not in a position to take on any more buns if anything were to happen to one of my buns, but I don't want to have a lone bunny either. I know they are still young, but Honey has been on death's door a few times already, so I am aware of how fragile...
  2. wabbit!

    Can anyone help - dosage for Fenbendazole Granules...and instructions?

    Last time I used the panacur paste, but didn't like doing it that way as the rabbits would move and I couldn't give an accurate dose with them wriggling! So today I picked up some Wormazole sachets (which is the same ingredient - Fenbendazole) but as it is for dogs it says to sprinkle the sachet...
  3. wabbit!

    Show me your beige buns! (Pic heavy!)

    This is Honey my girly. She is my baby and melts my heart!:love: There is nothing wrong with Poppy, but Honey just has something special about her...shhh don't tell Poppy!:oops: Can you show me your beige buns please?:D Show me yours please??:)