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Recent content by Spyinak

  1. S

    My Alaska Bunnies

    Thanks for all the compliments on the spoiled buns. I just purchased a large cage for Briar and he is much happier! Aren't most of you in England? My sisters visited there last year and they said it was coooold! :lol: Come visit Alaska sometime. It really is beautiful.
  2. S

    My Alaska Bunnies

    No, they don't live outside. I don't have the pen covered (eagles and owls) nor is there a covering to keep them from digging. I try to get them out when the weather is good though I have to keep an eye on them The have fairly large large cages inside their barn and I let them run around on...
  3. S

    Grooming a bunny

    nail clippers huh? Well, I can see this will be fun trying to get the dang mats out of him. I will buy a flea comb - that should work great. I didn't have to use the corn starch. I put a box of sawdust in his cage and that seemed to have the same effect. The big poop stickies are gone. I will...
  4. S

    My Alaska Bunnies

    Bramble - the wild caught domestic breed rabbit. Briar- the most recent rescue bunny Icy - rescued with her sister Sister PJ Icy and PJ in their outdoor play area.
  5. S

    Grooming a bunny

    Well, my rescue bunny is proving to be a bit of a challenge for me. When cleaning off his bum from the soft poop problem I discovered he has several mats of hair on his keester. I have no idea how I will get those off of him short of having him put under a general and shaving him. I have...
  6. S

    soft bunny poops

    The bunny appears to be a bit underweight if anything. He certainly hasn't been getting food regularly enough to be fat. I looked at his teeth tonight and to my untrained eye they looked fine. He sure grunted and chucked at me while I was doing it though!! Will he really clean the poop off...
  7. S

    soft bunny poops

    I just obtained another rescue rabbit. It is a small male lop. He has not been in a very hygenic situation, with food and water given on an infrequent basis. He has had no room to exersize at all. They put a nest box in a 1x2 foot cage so he could only hop into in box and out - that's it...
  8. S

    HELP!! I am stupid

    I caught a wild bred domestic bunny about three weeks ago. It is a young rabbit - I am guess less than 6 months. Anyway. The poor creature was too scared for me to get a good look at it's sex when I first got it and since I didn't have it in with my other rabbits I didn't bother look again...
  9. S

    Spring hormones

    Thanks everyone! Appreciate all of you help!! :D
  10. S

    Spring hormones

    My buns are about 8 months old - if I remember correctly. I am concerned as I don't have a second cage to seperate them right now and I just don't know when I should intervene. I don't want them to hurt each other but I don't want to have to reintroduce them if this is just a passing phase...
  11. S

    Spring hormones

    Well, I wrote earlier about my girls mounting each other but now every morning I find their cage trashed with even their wooden box upended. They are really chasing each other around and I see an occassional tuft of hair ripped out though I am not seeing anywhere that they are breaking the...
  12. S

    Spyinak Bunny pics

    Posted pics of my sweeties in General chat if anyone wants to take a peek at them.
  13. S

    New to you!..............long, sorry.

    I haven't had a rabbit for some years. After my last rabbit, Risky, died I swore I wouldn't get another as life in a cage is no way to live out ones life. Then I ended up with two more rescue bunnies. Rabbits are a dime a dozen around here so finding them new homes proved to be impossible thus...
  14. S

    Outdoor kennel and bunnies

    Sorry, no pics as the kennel is stacked in the snow right now and no hope of digging it out until spring sets in. I plan to put wire on the ground as the rabbits would likely dig their way out in short order if I did not. The kennel will be set up on grass and dirt. I hestitate to bury the wire...
  15. S

    Outdoor kennel and bunnies

    I have a 8x8 chainlink dog kennel that I want to use to pen my two female rabbits this summer. I realize the chanlink will be too wide so will have to put up a smaller wire to keep them in - was going to put it about 4 feet up the sides on the bottom and will cover the top to keep the eagles...