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Recent content by rabbitdan

  1. R

    Raymond went to his new home today... *new pics*

    ''I thought it would take a while but they are together now and every time I see them they are side by side and seem very happy! We haven't had any snow in Southampton but they are all well tucked up with plenty of hay!'' I have just received this! ^^^^^ So so so happy for him!
  2. R

    Raymond went to his new home today... *new pics*

    They do don't they! :) The story behind the little black and white baby is that the owner rescued a rabbit from dreadful conditions and it turned out to be pregnant. She kept this baby, and found the others new homes... she then realised how lonely she must be and decided to get her a friend...
  3. R

    Raymond went to his new home today... *new pics*

    The lady has just said ''They have been together during the day but I've seperated them again for the night. If it carries on like this tomorrow I won't!'' So it looks like they will be firm friends soon! I am really happy! He will be much happier with them :love:
  4. R

    Raymond went to his new home today... *new pics*

    I was sent this picture today...
  5. R

    Raymond went to his new home today... *new pics*

    He was quite miserable and sedate on his own bless him which what really made me think he has no real life here anymore, better to go to someone who can give him more time and have another bunny for company. Pippa is great thanks! How are your dogs? :)
  6. R

    Raymond went to his new home today... *new pics*

    I really hope it all works out! It looks promising so far, but it is early days...
  7. R

    Raymond went to his new home today... *new pics*

    she is only 11 weeks :love:
  8. R

    Raymond went to his new home today... *new pics*

    He has found a nice new home with a young female bunny for company. The lady came and collected him today, she sent me these pictures, they were introduced for 5 minutes in a run, and he was already grooming her! She has separated them again now and is going to build up the time slowly each...
  9. R

    Elsie Tanner and her House :-)

    She is a lovely colour! sort of lemony. :)
  10. R

    Elsie Tanner and her House :-)

    That is a great idea for a hamster cage! What colour is she? she looks kinda yellow in the pictures, or is that just the light? :)
  11. R

    Sad news :(

    Thanks for your messages. Just to update, he is still doing okay, but obviously not to his full extent. I am thinking about a few things at the moment and deciding on the best course of action for the future. It is just that I am 16 years old now (off to Uni in less than 2 years), and to be...
  12. R

    Breeding Hutches

    I think 6ft for average rabbits, and 5ft for Nethies and Polish. I know they are more active, but they are also half the size.
  13. R

    Sad news :(

    To be honest, he seems to be coping a lot better than I expected. He has been running around the run today and going through the 'bunny warren' which I haven't seen him do for a while.
  14. R

    Warm water in cold weather

    No, just plain tap water here. It is true that warm water freezes quicker than cold, we learnt it in a science lesson at school, cannot remember why though! ha ha
  15. R

    Sad news :(

    Thank you everyone. We had noticed he had been a little slow over the last few weeks, but we assumed it was due to the temperature drop. It has been a bad week for us here, we lost our little rescue guinea pig too you see. Raymond doesn't seem too withdrawn but I know he will be lost without...