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Recent content by *Michaela*

  1. M

    I Know Everyone Says Get A Rab From A Rescue

    My Maddie is from a petshop. In the future, I would rehome though. It can be hard to get a rabbit from a rescue here, but there are usually some in the papers needing homes. :)
  2. M

    Those of you that keep your bunnies indoors..

    Maddie has this cage in my room, but she's rarely closed in except at night. :)
  3. M

    Some of you have indoors AND outdoors buns??

    I have Maddie inside and Ebony & Ruby bonded outside. I would only have inside bunnies if I could - my parents will only allow me one inside. :( Ebony has been outside her whole life, originally she was bonded with Berri and Pebble, but they both passed on. :( So recently I got Ruby for her to...
  4. M

    Supa Excel pellets... Good pellet food recommendations pls!

    It always takes them a while to get used to a new food. You have to introdue it gradually - put a small about of the new food with the old food, start with about 1:10 ratio, and gradually build it up until they are fully on the new food. :) Excel is a good food btw, my buns are all very happy...
  5. M

    Post your setup.. indoor and out!! |u/d QUESTION ASKED

    This is Ebony and Ruby's hutch. It's very hard to get a good picture of because it's right at the back door, but it's a 5x2 foot double hutch. :) And during the day, they either come into the kitchen, or have free access to a concrete area outside, and they have a big run on the grass for...
  6. M

    Looking for a indoor cage

    I advise NIC grids too, they make the best cages IMO, and are pretty affordable. :D
  7. M

    NIC Cubes bunny condo...

    :lol::lol: I love that calendar, so many cute bunnies. :love: Thank you! :D Hmm, it took a few hours I guess, I had been wanting NIC grids for sooo long (they are very popular on another forum I'm on, members are largely American or Canadian so I was getting jealous of all the great cages!) so...
  8. M

    NIC Cubes bunny condo...

    I wouldn't go any other way now apart from NIC grids. :D They make the best cages without a doubt, (I have used a dog crate in the past but wasn't a fan.) Here are some updated pictures of mine;
  9. M

    Rabbit cage or Dog Crate?? please help

    Have you considered an NIC cage? They are very affordable, and so versatile can be built to fit any size/shape of room. :D They are available from B&Q. This is mine;
  10. M

    Argh to Dog Owners!!!

    Oh my gosh I would have been furious. :evil: I am so sorry that happened. :( I would never let a dog in my house.
  11. M

    What's Your Favorite Type of Bunny and Why?

    Hmm, I love all buns really, probably the Mini Rexes are top of the list, Berri was my first bun and she was a Mini Rex. It's not just the fur, she had the best personality, I suppose I associate that with rexes. :) Lionheads wouldn't be far behind, and of course, can't leave out my lovely...
  12. M

    Hi everyone!

    Jess is on here too - her screen name is Bunny_Burrows. :D
  13. M

    Hi everyone!

    Hi Fran. Nice to see you here. :D