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Recent content by maxbun

  1. M

    What to do? Updated

    Better news than I hoped for although he had lost more weight. He's on metacam, panacur again, and will be checked in 2 weeks. Fingers crossed the metacam helps his mobility.
  2. M

    What to do? Updated

    I've booked Lynx in to see my vet tomorrow, but feel quite anxious about the outcome of the visit. Lynx is 9 now, and seems to be having trouble mainly with one back leg. He had a clean bill of health when he had his vaccination in May, but since then he has definitely got thinner and is having...
  3. M

    It's so so hard (Mimi) UD She's gone :(

    So sorry to hear this. You have to remember that you did the kindest thing for her, although it doesn't always feel like that at the time. In hindsight I delayed the inevitable with Millie and think I kept her for a few days too long. :(
  4. M

    Lola's gone :(

    Sorry to hear you have lost Lola. I'm in the same situation as lost Millie at 10 and a half in January and Lynx has been on his own since. He is eating well and acting normally but it has become apparent that Millie used to keep his eyes clean as he has had a runny eye since being on his own...
  5. M

    Angora rabbits

    Not sure whether this is the right place for this, but I had a phone call from a friend yesterday asking whether I knew of anyone who would be able to take on a neutered and vaccinated pair of angora rabbits. They are well loved and looked after but do require a lot of daily maintenance with...
  6. M

    Had to get my beautiful Bobbi euthanized yesterday due to GI Stasis </3

    Sorry for your loss. I feel your pain as I too lost my Millie after 10 and a half years on Tuesday. I understand that horrible empty feeling that comes every morning on waking. X
  7. M

    Sad news

    Thank you all. Can't believe it's happened. :cry: it's a help to know there are people who understand.
  8. M

    Sad news

    I'm feeling really sad as I had to make the heartbreaking decision to have my lovely old lady Millie put to her forever sleep earlier today. We adopted her in August 2005 from ARC in Twickenham having seen her and her siblings on here. We collected her on our way back from a holiday in France...
  9. M

    Tail injury

    Millie has been a star she is eating and drinking well. Popped her in the run for an hour in the sunshine and she ate the grass as though she hadn't been out for ages!! Wound looks.nice and clean too. Keeping my fingers crossed for continued recovery.
  10. M

    Tail injury

    They get on really well and have been together for 8 years without any problems. I think I will bring them inside tonight so I can keep an eye on her. Good news is she is eating and drinking already.
  11. M

    Tail injury

    I went to let Millie and Lynx out in the run this morning and on checking Millie she had something stuck under her tail. I pulled it off and immediately noticed a nasty wound had opened up beneath her tail. I still don't know whether it was me who caused it or whether she had injured it during...
  12. M


    My son looked out of our sitting room window earlier and this is what he saw!! The funny thing is, we live nowhere near any water! They were just resting on our drive. They have gone now, but not sure where.
  13. M

    A thread of the RU woofits!

    K :wave:hello to Jenna from Sasha They are real characters aren't they. She is a perfect house dog who has even wormed her way into my husband's heart and soul too. It has gone from "dogs live downstairs and sleep in the kitchen", to, "well she doesn't moult so perhaps she can go upstairs...
  14. M

    A thread of the RU woofits!

    This was sasha exactly a year ago yesterday when we adopted her from the Dogs Trust, and the photo below was yesterday after a smart haircut for the Spring. I waited for probably 40+ years to own a dog and I can honestly say she has made me so very happy.
  15. M

    Name needed please x

    She's lovely. I think she looks like a Florence!