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Recent content by JLeaf311

  1. J

    Is water in a bowl ok?

    I'm pretty sure water bowls are okay. Trent loves water bowls, but gets it everywhere(lol), so we use a water bottle. The only bad part about it is you might not be able to monitor how much water the rabbit is drinking. Since they run around so much, they're sure to tip it over at least once a...
  2. J

    Lump under my rabbits chin =(

    The closest "recommended" rabbit vet is 6 hours away from where I live. Rabbits aren't popular at all in the state I reside. I will probably call around some more and see who I feel is the best for the job. I really really REALLY hope it's nothing too serious because I don't have the money to...
  3. J

    Hey-lo =)

    Hi! My name is Jessica, and I'm an animal lover. I got my Mini-rex Trent about two years ago. He is 2 1/2 years old. Love of my life! He is the sweetest little animal I have ever owned so far. I think it's because I have gotten so attached to him that even when he's crabby, it's just purely...
  4. J

    Lump under my rabbits chin =(

    Hi, I'm new to this forum- I found it while I was looking up what could possibly be wrong with my baby. He has a hard, marble sized lump under his chin. He's always had this little bag of skin under his scent gland, but I noticed last night that it is full on one side. I'm pretty sure, from my...