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Recent content by Doodle Bug

  1. D

    Can a cat really love a bunny?

    Bella (the cat) is just over a year old and fluff is almost 4, now that marble has passed i was hoping they would become friends. Previously i have put bella outside when they bunnies were out because marble was very protective of fluff and although he was never aggresive, i thought it was...
  2. D


    Thanks everyone, her new house arrived today so she can be in the living room with us and her dad has bought her lots of toys, she is still looking for marble though, do you think it will take her long to forget him?
  3. D

    Old Bunny in a new house

    Thanks Tasmin, It arrived this morning so i put the bottom in her area with some veggies and she jumped straight in and went to sleep, must be a good sign, her dad has also got a supply of brand new toys.
  4. D

    Old Bunny in a new house

    Well been a few day since Marble passed away and Fluff is still in their old home, which is a converted dog cage in a seperate room. But now she's on her own we've bought her a smaller cage so she can be in the same room as us, which should be here tomorrow. I was just thinking though, will she...
  5. D


    i tried really hard to make a sig on gimp but i just can't get my head round it (and i'm good with computers :D) I have a pic of the buns and a background i just can't resize them :( can anyone help?
  6. D


    Thanks for the welcome, i will deff put pics up when i can work out how to make a cool sig like all of yours
  7. D

    Bunny needs after mate has died?

    My 3 and half year old satin bunny had to be put to sleep today, leaving his lovely mate, fluff. She is sad and seemed to know before we left for the vet as she would not leave his side. We had fluff first for about 5 months before marble came along, before he came she used to come and sit with...
  8. D


    Hello, I'm new to this forum and have joined to get some advice. I have a bunny called fluff, she is a white, flop eared bunny, who we bought as a dwarf, but theres nothing dwarf about her.