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Recent content by crysta

  1. C

    Sore hocks?

    Just bald patches at the moment, but it looks like they're starting to irritate and I don't want them to break. Luci is absolutely fine though. Anna is overweight - and on a diet to remedy this, but that's something that can't be mended overnight. Nails are clipped, and she's active and...
  2. C

    Sore hocks?

    What do you do for a rabbit with sore hocks? I think Anna might be starting on them.
  3. C


    I'm so sorry, Ruby. I knew you were ill when you wouldn't eat your pellets. I took you away from the others and tried to feed you on your own, pellets, greens, anything you normally like, but you turned your nose up at them all. You let me noserub you when normally you would throw a tantrum...
  4. C

    Vibes for Ruby please? U/D We lost her

    It's amazing how fast she went downhill. It was literally a few hours and she was too sick to fight. It also goes to show how far we will go for our buns - I drove to PetMedics, which is closer to KayJ than me, something like 25 miles away from me - to get her emergency treatment at 1am on a...
  5. C

    Do you ever wonder why we do it?

    Losing them never gets easier, but at least I can draw comfort from the fact that they were happy and well fed and loved in what little time I did have with them. We keep doing it because by doing it we are making lives better for these bunnies.
  6. C

    Do you ever wonder why we do it?

    I think this every time I lose one. I lost Ruby this morning, she was only 3. I think it's worse when you lose one suddenly because you start wondering if it's something you did, whereas if they go downhill slowly you can at least say that they were ill and you did all you could for them...
  7. C

    Vibes for Ruby please? U/D We lost her

    Ruby died at 7:30 this morning :(
  8. C

    Vibes for Ruby please? U/D We lost her

    I've just rushed Ruby to PetMedics, she's not eating, drinking, pooing or weeing and she's struggling to breathe. They've admitted her and she's undergoing treatment now.
  9. C

    Is it unusual...

    ...that I have a group of four bonded girlies with no trouble whatsoever? :lol: People always say that they're best in mixed sex groups but I've never had a problem bonding does.
  10. C

    The horde!

    Yes that would be Ruby's bum. :lol: She does that whenever we bring her up - just flops down and lies there until we move her.
  11. C

    The horde!

    Faith did a colossal "i've-been-shot!" flop seconds after the last photo but my camera batteries had died. :p Typical!
  12. C

    The horde!

    Lucifer doesn't like being in photos. :lol:
  13. C

    People can't believe I ride this horse...

    I've schooled a 12hh pony who was scared of sunshine coming in through the top door of the arena. :lol: Give me a big horse any day - ponies are bloody nippy when they spook!
  14. C

    People can't believe I ride this horse...

    I'm 5ft exactly. :lol: Pretty much the same as Sal. The biggest I've ridden was Bay Jewel, who is 16'2.
  15. C

    People can't believe I ride this horse...

    She's 15hh exactly. :) Her name is Sally, if you can't quite read it on her saddlepad in the second photo. :lol: