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Recent content by BunnymadBunny

  1. B

    Bluebell can't breathe properly, can anyone help me?

    I know its an anti inflammatory I just typed it after the wrong bit. lol Brains a bit occupied with the rabbit at the moment to be honest, to think about what im typing too much.
  2. B

    Bluebell can't breathe properly, can anyone help me?

    She has been to the vets, I asked about this oxygen therapy and she told me Bluebell was not bad enough to need that. She has had two injections, one was an anti-inflammitory and the other was antibiotics (metacam). She is going back tomorrow for more injections and just have to see how it goes...
  3. B

    Bluebell can't breathe properly, can anyone help me?

    Well I can do injections, as I worked as an animal carer for 3 years. She will see a vet asap, but my vets closed, the emergency vet will not have a clue. We took our dying rat there and they were like "what do you want us to do with him? If I thought the emergency vet would do anything at all...
  4. B

    Bluebell can't breathe properly, can anyone help me?

    Just a thought Can anyone tell me what anitbiotic would be best for her? I can try calling the emergency vet to get some antibiotics, as all her details should be on the computer. I might not have to even take her out in the cold then. Fee
  5. B

    Bluebell can't breathe properly, can anyone help me?

    yes I have started a thread in two places on the forum now. Yes i know its serious, but we have snow here and It is very cold out for my rabbit. I can only go to the emergency vet and they are clueless unless it is a dog or a cat. So it is pointless tonight, shes curled up with me as I type...
  6. B

    Is anyone else out there slightly over-protective over their bunnies?!

    I am mega protective over all of mine, only me, my partner and my parents handle my rabbits. I have a neighbour with two buns in a box, its a fairly big box I guess. Although I have never seen them out on the grass. They are never let out the box, and the kid stands in front of the hutch...
  7. B

    looking for a rabbit savvy vet near/in east sussex

    need a good vet for my bunny, she can't breathe too well and im worried it is something serious. Thanks
  8. B

    for a rabbit savvy vet in/near East Sussex

    need a good vet for my bunny, she can't breathe too well and im worried it is something serious. Thanks
  9. B

    Bluebell can't breathe properly, can anyone help me?

    Would a heart issue not show up on an x-ray then? Is it ok to post a vet search in this section? Also I won't mind travelling to find a good vet. Anything to get her better! The vet was meant to be good with rabbits. She breeds them and shows them. Thanks Felicity
  10. B

    Bluebell can't breathe properly, can anyone help me?

    My rabbit Bluebell is really sick and I could really do with some advice. So I noticed she was holding her head up high and panting trying hard to breathe and I took her straight up to the vet. She was kept there all afternoon and she had an x-ray and was diagnosed with pneumonia. I was told...
  11. B

    Goodbye Stanley xx

    Really sorry about your bunny. Sleep tight at the bridge little one xx
  12. B

    Name the bunny for Rainbow Rabbits/ winner announced

    I will have Bluebelle, Hazel and Sunny please. Thanks Fee
  13. B

    Fun fundraiser for Rainbow Rabbits WINNER ANNOUNCED!!

    can i please have 46 61 and 57 thanks
  14. B

    Know Your Rabbit Raffle - HUGE BUNNY HAMPER - WINNERS ANNOUNCED! :)

    I won something! I have never won anything ever! I wonder what I get for my bunnies. I have pm'ed my address : )
  15. B

    Hazelnut is a he/she?

    I had to call my vet to say they the rabbits have all started eating and she is now saying my bunny is a neutered buck she thinks. She admitted not knowing what a neutered boy looks like. Can you guys help. All that is visible is a penis according to the vet. There are no tubes inside the...