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Recent content by bunnylover1995

  1. bunnylover1995

    Desperately need urgent advice! UD!

    It is a priority, but the immediate health of my other animals and family, as well as my studies has to come first :D
  2. bunnylover1995

    Desperately need urgent advice! UD!

    Not yet, every time I get the money together, something else comes up :/
  3. bunnylover1995

    Desperately need urgent advice! UD!

    Mercedes has started to eat again, and is slowly taking pellets, although she seems very scared still, but it's still a good sign :thumb:
  4. bunnylover1995

    Desperately need urgent advice! UD!

    The insulation blew off the run and Jelly decided to sleep out there in -1 wind and the odd bit of rain, she died from exposure. I'm worried that the hutch will smell too much like Jelly (and Mercedes) to bring another rabbit in to? I will contact a local rescue at weekend (I can't get...
  5. bunnylover1995

    Desperately need urgent advice! UD!

    Thank you for your advice, I will definitely try running foods under water! I have tried many vegetables but she doesn't seem interested, although she took 4 blades of grass a minute ago. I know what you mean about getting a new companion, and although I'm not ready, I would consider it were...
  6. bunnylover1995


    Jelly, my darling, I will write you the obituary you deserve when I can bring myself to do it. But for now just know that I miss you, I miss your cuddles and licks, I'm sorry your life was so short, but I hope it was a good one. Rest in peace my sweetheart xxx
  7. bunnylover1995

    Desperately need urgent advice! UD!

    Two days ago my little sweetheart Angelica (Jelly) passed away. However now I fear for Mercedes, she has had a full health check since then and is fine, but she is so depressed. She just spends all day hiding in a cardboard box, fearful of everyone and everything. She will eat tiny amounts...
  8. bunnylover1995

    indoor cage

    So I've taken my wardrobe door off and changed the way it opens which has made a gap of 5x2.5, which is better and I can put things to jump on in there plus they're small rabbits :thumb:. I've just got to find something to block the area off with, I'm thinking maybe some wood, as it won't offend...
  9. bunnylover1995

    indoor cage

    Thanks everyone for your advice. Unfortunately I'm not able to do much at the moment, all the money I had saved for their new aviary set up has to go on repairs and I'm left with about £50 until at the very least the end of the month, so there's not much I can do. My house is tiny and the only...
  10. bunnylover1995

    indoor cage

    My dog sleeps on my bed. A cage is pretty much the only option.
  11. bunnylover1995

    indoor cage

    I have a 2 x 4ft gap
  12. bunnylover1995

    indoor cage

    I've still got their ramp so they could use that to get out and on to their plastic hay box and then hop to the floor. With a a rampaging six year old and a dog, off the floor is safer for the buns. I basically have the choice of, small indoor cage for 6 hours a day or give them up. :(
  13. bunnylover1995

    indoor cage

    My outdoor hutch broke in the st jude storm, I just need something to put them in at night over the Christmas period, until I can afford something better, they free range in my room currently but have to go in a cat box at night. I can't have a dog crate as my dog has a fear of them and sits and...
  14. bunnylover1995

    indoor cage

    I really don't think a dog cage would work in my space, I'm thinking something like this would be good? http://www.petplanet.co.uk/product.asp?dept_id=813&pf_id=58416
  15. bunnylover1995

    indoor cage

    Can someone recommend an indoor cage (preferably with stand) that's good value for size, to keep my two buns in? Thanks