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Recent content by BigBunnyBenji

  1. BigBunnyBenji

    Bonded pair for rehoming

    Hello, I really feel awful about this but I have just been offered my dream job in an industry I've been trying over two years to get into. Unfortunately it means moving over 5 hours away and my new area is twice as expensive meaning the likelihood of me being able to afford somewhere with a...
  2. BigBunnyBenji

    Pets at Home treats.

    My rabbits have had both of these treats for ages, as an occasional treat, and have never had any problems.
  3. BigBunnyBenji

    Bonding query

    The RSPCA are really concerned about Madge bonding so they told me not to put them together for at least two weeks. It's going to be a long two weeks!
  4. BigBunnyBenji

    Bonding query

    I just need some bonding vibes because I'm not very experienced with it really! I got my new rescue rabbit Madge yesterday and her and Rupert are living side by side, well he free ranges a lot but he can see her whenever he goes into the garage. They have had face to face contact through the...
  5. BigBunnyBenji

    Best buy rabbit toys

    Depending on the size of your run, you could get a tunnel or two. :) I have two in my run but I didn't want to pay a lot for one so I bought two collapsible material laundry baskets from B&M Bargains, cut the ends out of them and they slot together perfectly :) They are good because they can...
  6. BigBunnyBenji

    Airline carriers for small pets

    I haven't actually used it for travelling but I use this carrier for my buns and it has a little thing for food and water at the front. It's a good size, I can get my bun in and he is half giant. :)...
  7. BigBunnyBenji

    Winston being a cheeky bun bun

    My rabbit Rupert is the only bunny I've had that has ever figured out stairs. Benji used to be scared of them.. and Daisy never bothered either. I let Rupert go upstairs, he's never done himself any harm so far and we have bannisters. But I always supervise him when he is upstairs. And he is...
  8. BigBunnyBenji

    Thinking about adopting a rabbit

    Rabbits chew everything. Literally everything. One of my indoor rabbits ripped the wallpaper off the wall and ate it. And my other one chewed through every wire he could ever find. If you think about it, in the wild a rabbit would cover an area that is larger than 30 football pitches, so they...
  9. BigBunnyBenji

    Thinking about adopting a rabbit

    Ok, I'll try give the best advice possible. Other people can probably give more detail. 1. Most people on here will not advocate buying a hutch, unless you get a really big one or custom made. It is usually cheaper to actually buy a shed. 2. Rabbits should not be caged... they need access to a...
  10. BigBunnyBenji

    Re an urgent appeal.Rehoming update!

    Have all the bunnies found homes now? :wave:
  11. BigBunnyBenji

    Re an urgent appeal.Rehoming update!

    Is there any update on this?
  12. BigBunnyBenji

    Advise on how to care for Rabbits in winter

    He/she is in the States I believe. I'd just cover all the floor in hay or straw. Does the shed have a door on it? I was just wondering if you could get someone to hold the door while you shoo them in or something. I let my rabbits free range, they are usually good at coming in, but sometimes I...
  13. BigBunnyBenji

    Speed dating arranged U/d Progress! (photos p33)

    I only waited a couple of days with my April. It really depends on the rabbit, because some rabbits are happier with company and feel lonely/depressed without it. April likes having company. You have to put their needs first really, and having a new bunny does bring joy, although it will never...
  14. BigBunnyBenji

    New rats and need name help :)

    How about Ratatouille? :lol:
  15. BigBunnyBenji

    Help! My buns aren't sleeping in their bedroom!?

    Mine do it as well. It is very annoying! I think it's because they're either stupid or ignorant!