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Recent content by Baxter Mummy

  1. Baxter Mummy

    Help Bunny Accident - Update - Back from the vet

    Thanks I hope so :( l he is just sitting in a carry box in the middle of the front room making no attempt to escape, normally he would have made a break for freedom and eaten everything naughty by now!! It's very strange having such a dosile bunny:cry: I miss normal Baxter :cry:
  2. Baxter Mummy

    Help Bunny Accident - Update - Back from the vet

    We are back from the vets with a very sorry for himself bunny! but he is eating lots so thats good. The vet gave him a check over and siad that she thinks he is bruised all down his left side and he may have hurts his front left paw - basically she said he just seemed very stiff when he was...
  3. Baxter Mummy

    Help Bunny Accident - Update - Back from the vet

    Am so worried! Thanks for your help everyone :cry: Being a bunny mummy is just as stressful as being a human mummy! :cry: I have tried the vets again and I have to call back after 2.30 to get an emergency appointment
  4. Baxter Mummy

    Help Bunny Accident - Update - Back from the vet

    :cry:He seems to be eating from his bowl (which he is almost sitting on!) and if i actually give him the food but doesn't seem interested in getting up to get it :cry: But i did see if run up the ladder this morning so he can move he just doesn't seem to want to
  5. Baxter Mummy

    Help Bunny Accident - Update - Back from the vet

    He is booked in to the vet at 9am tomorrow do you think i need to take him sooner?
  6. Baxter Mummy

    Help Bunny Accident - Update - Back from the vet

    Thanks for all your help Now i am really worrid about him again! Last night he was fine, he ran around and jumped all over us a normal but his morning when my daughter and I went to feed him breakfast he just sat in the back corner of his cage rather than coming to see us like normal and he...
  7. Baxter Mummy

    Help Bunny Accident - Update - Back from the vet

    :cry:Please help Baxter Bunny was running around the hallway this afternoon while my daughter had her friend round to play. My daughters friend lent over the stairgate to stroke him and the gate collapsed onto our beautiful little 10 week old bunny with the girl on top of the gate. Baxter was...
  8. Baxter Mummy


    Baxter tried to make a break for freedom yesterday while he was in his pen in the garden .................... I caught on the other side just as he jumped out! :cry:
  9. Baxter Mummy

    are hutch snuggles worth the money?

    I also have the custom made one from ebay the man trades under the name c.a.b.j .......... i bought it 2 weeks ago following advice on another tread (from Vic I think) it's great! it has a choice of fronts including a fly screen and rain cover - is like a hutch hugger and hutch snuggle all in...
  10. Baxter Mummy

    New Bunny Mummy

    Thanks everyone for making us feel so welcome :D
  11. Baxter Mummy

    New Bunny Mummy

    :oops: That should be better :D
  12. Baxter Mummy

    Roll Call... Tell us a bit about you

    Name = Helen Area you live = Surrey Why did you choose your RU name? = Because I am Baxters mummy Names of your rabbits = Baxter (10 weeks) Do you work, if yes what job do you do = Structural Engineer (yes there are such things as girl Engineers) :lol:
  13. Baxter Mummy

    New Bunny Mummy

    :oops: Sorry they are quite large pictures
  14. Baxter Mummy

    New Bunny Mummy

    These were taken last week :D
  15. Baxter Mummy

    New Bunny Mummy

    Hi Everyone :wave: I'm Helen and I'm a very new bunny mummy and need lots of help...........I never realised there was so much to learn! :oops: We got Baxter about 2 weeks ago from a pet shop which we later found out has a very bad reputation! We were sold him as a dwarf or mini rex but nobody...