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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Please keep Phillip in your thoughts (Update on post 146)


Here is the little patient, home at last. He's still very lethargic, not eating properly and grunting at me when I go near him. I would say he's sulking from being at the vet or it's from the anaesthetic but it's exactly how he was before he went in.
I really hope these behaviours are all because he's feeling rubbish, and once the medication starts kicking in he'll start to be back to his normal bouncy self.

The meds will make all the difference - I've seen it happen :D

Once he gets feeling a bit more comfortable, he'll be back to giving you what for xx
That's good to hear that it is somewhat normal behaviour! I am such a worrier :lol:

Phillip refused his Metacam earlier, which is unusual because he usually begs for more! I think he is definitely sulking with me for a 2 night vet stay!
However, he has just a minute ago gone to the toilet and eaten a small handful of pellets (and begged for more!) More than he'd usually get but to be honest I'm just grateful for whatever he eats at the minute. He's also eaten a small handful of hay tonight, and rearranged his cage to his liking.
That's good to hear that it is somewhat normal behaviour! I am such a worrier :lol:

Phillip refused his Metacam earlier, which is unusual because he usually begs for more! I think he is definitely sulking with me for a 2 night vet stay!
However, he has just a minute ago gone to the toilet and eaten a small handful of pellets (and begged for more!) More than he'd usually get but to be honest I'm just grateful for whatever he eats at the minute. He's also eaten a small handful of hay tonight, and rearranged his cage to his liking.

Bless :love:
He's still very lethargic but from everyone's advice it seems like that will be expected until the medicine kicks in. He seems to conserve his energy all day then livens up for a little while in the evening, then sleeps again.

However, my forage delivery arrived early this morning. I opened the plantain and dandelion (his favourites) and he was really excited and hoovered it all within minutes. The most enthusiastic I've seen him for a while and a glimpse of the rabbit we know :)
He's still very lethargic but from everyone's advice it seems like that will be expected until the medicine kicks in. He seems to conserve his energy all day then livens up for a little while in the evening, then sleeps again.

However, my forage delivery arrived early this morning. I opened the plantain and dandelion (his favourites) and he was really excited and hoovered it all within minutes. The most enthusiastic I've seen him for a while and a glimpse of the rabbit we know :)

Isn't it lovely to see a little bit of them as they really are? It makes us realise there's a little way to go, but I am sure he will get there with all the loving care he's getting.

Topping up the vibes xx
Isn't it lovely to see a little bit of them as they really are? It makes us realise there's a little way to go, but I am sure he will get there with all the loving care he's getting.

Topping up the vibes xx

Thank you. Spoke to John this morning, he said it sounds promising so far. Have a check up next week with Phillip before I go back to work, as getting to see John will be near impossible until my next lot of holiday, so hopefully it will go well and Phillip won't need to be seen for a while.
Just had a morning wake up from this little one jumping on the bed.


Philip has made awesome progress thanks to your wonderful care. It made me smile that as soon as Philip was well enough for you to get some good sleep he had other ideas! Something tells me he knows he is adorable too.
Phillip update: been to see John today. He said Phillip’s lungs sound much more clear today so that suggests some of the fluid has shifted. He’s put on a little weight too. He’s going to keep him on the diuretic and metacam for a couple of weeks, then mid September he’s going to be sedated again for an ultrasound. At that point John will decide if he needs to go on specific heart medication or not. So fingers crossed it all goes well.

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