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Vhd concern

I'm going to say this one last time Rachy, there is no % risk. You're not logically thinking, as we've discussed previously.

I'm not going to try re-assuring you any further, as i truly believe we are feeding your OCD - i think you need professional help, especially with a baby on the way.

Hope you get the help you need.


There is no more help avaliable to me at the moment Graham, that is the problem. I can not have the medication I know will help because it is not safe for the baby and I am on the waiting list for CBT/Counselling which could still be another 5 months time.
I can not express how much help you have all been, I know you probably feel like you are feeding the OCD but that is not the case, reading what 'well' people would do/feel in the same situation really helps me try and fight the ilogical side of the OCD, without that back up I can not fight.
I alone am not strong enough, I do not trust what I feel, but when I can say to that side of me, So and so on RU said this!' it helps me gain strength against it.

Would it be safe to take the book in to them and let them sniff and walk all over it?
Oh love, you really are getting yourself into a right twist with your OCD.

Take a piece of paper, write on it in big letters "MY RABBITS CANNOT GET VHD. THEY ARE VACCINATED AND COMPLETELY SAFE" and stick it on the wall above their home. Whenever you feel a panic coming on, read this over and over, like a mantra, tell your OCD where to stick it!

I am going to do that!! :D
Hun, your buns are perfectly safe, there us NO chance of them contracting VHD from the book. If you are really worried, why not throw the book away so that your OCD has nothing to pray on?

But listen, even if the book or letter had been exposed to VHD, even if your OH's nan sent you a bun with VHD, your buns are TOTALLY safe because they are vaccinated :wave:

Thankyou Gemma.
So the book is 1000000% safe? Even if I let them lick it!?
Oh love, you really are getting yourself into a right twist with your OCD.

Take a piece of paper, write on it in big letters "MY RABBITS CANNOT GET VHD. THEY ARE VACCINATED AND COMPLETELY SAFE" and stick it on the wall above their home. Whenever you feel a panic coming on, read this over and over, like a mantra, tell your OCD where to stick it!

Good advice :thumb:
What about a shift in perspective.

Right now, given how stressed/anxious you are, your bunnies will be picking up on that and, having their own feelings relating to how you're feeling.

If you relax, then they will also relax and have a happier time.

Ok, so adding into that the VHD issue. If there is VHD in your house and they are vulnerable (which there is no evidence anywhere to suggest there is, or they are), then is it better for them to have a stressed life, or a more relaxed and happy life?

If you can get the anxiety go a bit (believe me, not easy, and I don't for one second think it is, but sometimes a shift in perception can at least easy it) then even if they do catch VHD (which, as I said, there is no evidence, anywhere to suggest they are even at risk), then at least they died happier and more relaxed.

Whereas right now, they are more stressed than they need to be?

I guess I'm trying to say something about quality over quantity?

I also want to say that this is a perseptive that might help me, because everything I do is about my bunnies and how to improve their lives. From an outsiders perseptive you are not harming your bunnies or reducing their quality of life, or anything like that and i'm not saying you are, I was just looking at the sort of perspective that might help shift how you're feeling, from the inside.

Does any of that make sense? I haven't articulated it well.
What about a shift in perspective.

Right now, given how stressed/anxious you are, your bunnies will be picking up on that and, having their own feelings relating to how you're feeling.

If you relax, then they will also relax and have a happier time.

Ok, so adding into that the VHD issue. If there is VHD in your house and they are vulnerable (which there is no evidence anywhere to suggest there is, or they are), then is it better for them to have a stressed life, or a more relaxed and happy life?

If you can get the anxiety go a bit (believe me, not easy, and I don't for one second think it is, but sometimes a shift in perception can at least easy it) then even if they do catch VHD (which, as I said, there is no evidence, anywhere to suggest they are even at risk), then at least they died happier and more relaxed.

Whereas right now, they are more stressed than they need to be?

I guess I'm trying to say something about quality over quantity?

I also want to say that this is a perseptive that might help me, because everything I do is about my bunnies and how to improve their lives. From an outsiders perseptive you are not harming your bunnies or reducing their quality of life, or anything like that and i'm not saying you are, I was just looking at the sort of perspective that might help shift how you're feeling, from the inside.

Does any of that make sense? I haven't articulated it well.

I understand what you are saying Sky and it does make sense but if I for one minuite think there is even the slightest possibility of them getting vhd it sends the ocd and anxiety to an extra level. :cry:
I understand what you are saying Sky and it does make sense but if I for one minuite think there is even the slightest possibility of them getting vhd it sends the ocd and anxiety to an extra level. :cry:

*squish* I thought it was worth a try.

What is it about the VHD that is so terrifying?
The fact that they could die and die in pain :cry:

But that's true of many conditions, accidents, and anything at all. Yet you have focused on the one you have prevented.

The same applies to VHD as it does with any other rabbit illness. You have to be vigilant and you have to know them and watch- which you do. You've prevented the VHD, and you prevent suffering by being vigilant.
You may think this an odd question - but don't over think and just go with your first response.

If you weren't worrying about VHD what would you be worrying about?
You may think this an odd question - but don't over think and just go with your first response.

If you weren't worrying about VHD what would you be worrying about?

Well the past well about 5 months have been a constant string of concerns one after the other, let me think...

Rat poison
Door mats
I think I am in trouble guys, I have just broken down in tears for the past half hour, am sure the hormones dont help plus the fact that I am ill at the moment with a nasty cold.
I washed all the pillows, the duvet will not fit in the machine so I have sprayed the whole thing with the Method cleaner.

I think if I am not careful I am going to be heading for another breakdown, have just spoken to my husband who has urged me to call my CPN, have called she is not in the office till Wednesday so spoke to the duty officer who has said to go and distract myself so I am going to go and have a long bath then see how I feel, she is going to call me back in 30mins to see how I am.
I hope you are feeling better by the time OOH calls you back. Do you have numbers you can 'phone for support over the weekend?

I don't know if your CMHT has a Home Treatment Team who could visit you over the weekend? May be worth asking.

I know it's really scary to feel out of control like this - as though your feelings and thoughts are going to overwhelm you but remember it is not something external you are fighting - it is something within you and you CAN get through this. You are much, much stronger than you think.

You have lots and lots of support on RU as well as the support of your husband and buns.
Ok starting to panic again and need some 'practical' advise from people who have 'well' brains!
Can spiders transmit VHD? Can their blood transmit VHD?
Can those little flities (the tiny flies that fly around lamps) transmit VHD?
Nope, nope and nope. Spiders are actually good bunny companions as they catch flies :)
Rachylou they are vaccinated, remember this. You have prevented them getting VHD. If you put a bunny that had just died from vhd next to them, they still would not get it. Please keep telling yourself they are vaccinated, you dont need to worry about them getting vhd because you have already prevented it by getting them vaccinated.
Thankyou both of you for being so kind :)
I think I am driving my husband to the end of his tether, :( His Nan has sent us a letter and she lives in Havant and I heard a week or so ago that there was a reported case of VHD in Havant so I paniced about the letter, read it and then told my husband that he is to read it before he has a bath and put it straight in to the bin, he is in a right mood now!! :(