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Is it nessersary?

I don't think mother rabbits pick their babies up by the scruff. :) If you think about how rabbits teeth are it would not really be possible I don't think.

My mum said they do because she's had a load of them when my brothers were younger in the shed and thats how they did it.

Maybe she's forgotten as it's a while ago. Bunnies only have those pointy teeth at the front and they can't open their mouths wide, not like dogs/cats with wide grins. That's why babies who fall out of the nest often die - the mum rabbit can't pick them up to put them back in.
i think it is definatly worth you ringing your local rspca animal home, they may give you a voucher to help pay for the spay. They are really good like that.
Actually mine are doing free neutering for all rabbits in my area at the moment but only if your family recieve benefits.
(just a thought, maybe they are all doing it now). Good luck, definatly ring them xx
awww hun i cant pick up Alvin, he beats me up when i try to brush him too... they do sense our lack of confidence and that i think fears them into fight mode.... ste on the otherhand wont bend to Alvins will and successfully manages to handle him even with all the fighting...

unfortunatley for pearl she is my practice bun as shes so peaceful and i find picking her up a dream she also loves fuss.. i guess some bunnies just like to be a free spirit.. i try not to feel bad i cant handle Alvin cus hes a happy little monster and thats all that matters really :)

Yeah thats a good point, I'd love to pick Bella up though. My mum and sister did today and all I was saying was "No mum put her down!" because I'm a terrible bunny mummy!
i had that explained to me when i asked about it...i couldnt understand why buns get cancer if they dont have babies but us humans dont..

they dont have breed cycles like us, their always on hormones is what causes the cancer, even if they've had babies :shock::shock:

it really seems like nature is pretty anti bunnies huh :(

How do I prevent Bella from getting cancer? I love her so much and wouldn't want to ever lose her? :cry:
How do I prevent Bella from getting cancer? I love her so much and wouldn't want to ever lose her? :cry:

By getting her speyed. Someone else said, If you saved £2 a week, you could have her done in no time at all :D

But Bella and me are used to each other?

Think Jacks meaning in terms of handling etc. Personally, Unless you had to transport her somewhere, I'd leave her paws on the ground X
How do I prevent Bella from getting cancer? I love her so much and wouldn't want to ever lose her? :cry:

Spaying is the only way really to prevent it. She's still young though so you don't need to rush to get her done, it's usually around 4-5 years old that they're most at risk, sometimes slightly younger. So just keep saving and don't worry.

Rabbits don't pick up their babies and carry them around like dogs and cats do. Rabbit's shouldn't be picked up by their scruffs because their skin is very thin.

There is some pictures and instructions on how to pick up a rabbit correctly here: http://www.rabbitrehome.org.uk/care/handling.asp This is how they should be lifted:


If you don't like the way your vet handles your rabbit then say something, explain how your rabbit is used to being held and that it will be more relaxed if the vet uses the same method.


Ok thanks Tamsin. That is one of the websites I found but when I come to do that I find I cannot do it, I have the confidence now but when it comes to doing it I lost it all! I'll ask the vet about this the next time we go. Thats how the rabbits my brothers had picked them up.
Thanks again!
Hi Hunny!
I know how you feel, my family went through terrible money problems and i felt so cruel (which was also made worse by a certain someone :rolleyes: ) anyway, just save as much as you can each week and you'll be able to get her spayed sooner or later :) i was planning on getting ym two spayed soon but now my brotehr has lost his job due to illness and he can't afford his house so we are low on money again, my mum has had to go into my vet fund to pay for food :( so the spays are waiting.

Yeah its always the way isn't it? I feel horrible for Bella as her nails need clipping and thats about £8 and we can't even afford that as of yet :cry:
diana,i also had and still do have money trouble.you do wat you can,when you can.as for pickin bun up,thumper would rather stratch me too pieces than be picked up.he likes a stroke on his head but that is it.he is quite happy doing his own thing.dont worry too much if she doesnt like bein picked up.she she run about your room?perhaps try lying on the floor by her n she if shell come to you.x:D


I let Bella have a little run around the bathroom as thats kind of a small room and my mum's bedroom and the landing. It was for about 5 minutes before Bella deciding she would just have a little wee right outside my bedroom door! I cleaned it up and it wasn't much so thats alright.
Some buns just don't like being picked up no matter how hard you try. I have had buns from birth and they still don't like being handled, so it might be something you just have to accept.

However, are you standing up when you pick her up? You could try picking her up when you are sitting on the floor to start with?

Yeah I'm kind of trying to not think about that part :roll:

Yeah I'm standing up but when my mum and sister pick her up, they stand up too.
Why not try sitting with her, ignoring her, let her come to you... Gradually she will probably get on yur lap (if you use treats), if you do this everyday, she will get used to being on you and you touching her...

Gradually, start to pick her up, a small bit at first, getting higher everytime...

PM me if you want anymore advice.:D

Ok I'll try that tomorrow, thanks!

I will PM for more advice if I need to, thanks again!
It must be tough both for you and your mum at the moment :( but with such a high risk of uterine cancer in an unspayed doe, you would just end up paying out the money in the end when she inevitably got ill. Ring round some vets to see how much it costs and then put away a little bit whenever you can. She is very young yet and even if you only put away £2 a week you could *probably* afford it in around six months. good luck :wave:

Ok I'll do that, Thanks for the tip.
Its better to sit down while yo pick her up. You cn put them on your knees and most of the time they will sit and be stroked...
My Walter loves to cuddle up with his chin on my knee, and sometimes jumps on for attention. He particularly likes my laptop keyboard :roll: but he's not mad keen on being picked up. He'll tolerate it but not for long. I think it's just how he is, he's the friendliest bun possible in every other way.

Becky x
You can get nail clippers for about £2 so you can clip her nails so they're not so sharp, it's a bit tricky to get the hang of and you may need another person to hold her still, but it's definately worth it.

I've never actually seen a mother rabbit pick up her babies full stop, so don't ever pick them up by the scruff.

Cancer isn't contagious so she can't catch it from any other rabbit, she'll develop it on her own because of hormones. Same as in humans.

If you save up £2 a week if you can, then in 6 - 8 months you should be able to get her spayed. Rabbits can be spayed at any age.

Yeah but I read on the internet its best to get the vets to do it first then gradually do it on my own.

My brother picked Bella up by the scruff and Bella didn't scream or anything.

I'll do that but again, I read its best to get them spayed when their young so theres more of a chance of her surviving :cry:
The cancer is caused by the flood of hormones within her when she is ready to breed. In a wild rabbit these would be reduced by pregnancy, which is why regularly bred rabbits are not affected in the same way. The excess hormones can make her very aggressive, fidgety, unfriendly and hard to handle - especially in spring.

Yeah, :roll: Ok thanks, I understand.
well in my opinion speyed/neutering your rabbit is a personal choice its not something that has to be done but the outcome is good :)

before Crystal was speyed a good 2 years ago lol she was litrally the rabbit from hell! seriously though i couldnt pick her up without being ripped to shreds she bit me grunted at me and even growled i wasnt going to get her speyed because i was scarred but one day my sister got fed up with Crystals behaviour and actually payed for her spey :shock: the change in Crystals behaviour after her spey didnt change over night but every month her behaviour got better and shes now a lovely little rabbit who ive now bonded with quite closely, before she was speyed i felt i didnt love her anymore but now i cant imagine life without her :love: it scares me now that the fact Crystal is nearly 3 that if she hadnt been speyed she could have been dying with cancer right now :cry:

since shes no where near other rabbits i wouldnt say that speying her is urgent i just want to point out a few facts that vets sometimes say that arent true so dont listen to any of them ;)

1) her bad behaviour is down to her wantng babies let her have a litter and the behaviour will get better- deffinatly untrue... i know this from experience with Crystal
2) having babies means that she wont get cancer- all rabbit have an 80-85% chance of getting cancer even those who have babies

good luck hun :)

Thanks for the reply. I read about them to facts on a website and a couple more. I definatly would like Bella to be spayed but whats the chance I'll lose her :cry: Aww, Crystal sounds like a cute bunny. I wish my brothers would pay for it or we had a money tree or whatever :roll: