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Peeing/Pooping problem!


Mama Doe
My gorgeous darling bundle of fur has started to pee & poop in her food dish.

The other day I found a few droppings in her bigger food dish, then this morning it was droppings & wee and just now I've come upstairs to find her with her bum inside the dish pooping & peeing - when it was still mostly full of food!!

Why is she doing this, is it age (she's around 3.5 months old) or is it something else??
does she have a litter tray?

maybe she thinks this is where she should go, mine did that and now they have a green tray with hay and woopchips in it and they go in there (9 times out of 10) x
Yes, she's got a nice green one, full of carefresh & hay, and with a hay rack of Timothy right beside it!

She spends most of her time laying in it :roll: , but I know that's not odd, the two bunnies I had before her used to lay in their litter try together!!
I had a rabbit that got out of his litter tray to toilet neatly on the floor beside it as he wanted to keep his 'bed' clean :roll: I gave him another litter tray and he now uses one for a toilet and one for a bed - give it a try? :)