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fuciderm gel advice-poss reaction?

bunny mad lisa

Mama Doe
My bunny has a large lump growing from here anus, it is like polyps in people. My vet gave her fuciderm gel although it's not licensed for rabbits, which is a coricosteroid. It worked really well and the lump is much smaller. She had been on it for 10 days and then she started to have spells were she would breath heavy, like when they are stressed or very hot (but isn't either of those)and she was making a noise from her nostrils, she would lie down and not want to eat. I took her off the cream on saturday incase it was a reaction to it and she has had this "episode" 5 to 6 times, that i have seen, including this morning. She was like it for about 20 mins then right as rain again.
i am seeing my vet this afternoon. Anyone else used this cream? and had any problems?
Hi Lisa:wave:
Sorry to hear that Joon has been ill :( I have used the Fuciderm lots of times and have never seen a reaction to it :? but then again, all buns are different:?

I would have the vet check out Joon's lungs and heart as it sounds more probable that Joon has something wrong there - the symptoms really do fit the lung/heart problem:?

Snuggles and comforting and healing vibes to Joon - xxxxx
I don't see why it couldn't be a reaction, as steroids can interfere with the immune system. Don't know much about it though. :?
I have used fuciderm loads of times and none of my buns have never had a reaction, but I think it is wise you are going to see the vet.
Good luck:D
thanks everyone!
back from vet and he doesn't think it is a reaction although did say steroids can weaken them to infection. She has a bit of an infection and is now on Baytril. Hopefully this will get her sorted.