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My bunny is being spayed today


Young Bun
My bunny is being spayed today, I have to take her in at 11 and I’m so worried. I keep telling myself that she will be fine but I don’t think I’ll be happy till I get the phone call to say that I can go and pick her up. Not sure how I’m going to occupy myself all day!

She's happily munching hay at the moment, she has no idea what's about to happen. I know it's best for her to be spayed but I'm starting to feel bad about putting her through this, especially as she's so healthy and lively.

Going to bring her in for a cuddle now, as we will be leaving soon. Please send lots of vibes for her.
Good luck, I'm sure she will be fine. Try not to worry and do some cleaning or something! :D

Sending good vibes to your bunny xxx
I know exactly what you're going through. Hoops was spayed on Friday and I was SO worried (although I guess a lot of that was because we lost Molly a few days before). If you want to pm me to chat then I'm around! Hoops is absolutely fine - was quieter for a couple of days but has been for her check-up this morning and seems pretty much back to normal! :) Try not to worry x
Good luck, it's really worrying but spaying means that she won't be troubled by her hormones or womb cancer. Try to look at the positives.
Sending lots of vibes to her and you! Daisy was in laat week for her spey and while I worry like crazy during and in the recovery period, she is fine now and she's the 4th I've had speyed and all have been ok. x x x
Hi, thanks for all the good vibes!

Well, I don’t know what I was so worried about. The spay went fine, my bunny wasn’t very happy in the vet’s and wouldn’t eat anything but as soon as we got home and I put her in her crate, she ate some carrot and is now eating hay. She’s still a bit sleepy but much more active than I thought she would be.

Just one question: is it ok to put megazorb in her litter tray, or should I use something else?
I put some vet bed on top of the megazorb so that none of it could stick to her wound, or you can use old pieces of towel that can be thrown away when they get wet. I'm glad she seems fine. When you see her pooing, weeing and drinking, you are more or less home and dry!!:lol: