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urine crystals


Warren Scout
so buffy has had loads of tests due to her dribbling urine- urinalysis, culture and sensitivity, blood biochemistry and haematology and xrays! She is still using her tray and producing wee in it, but she also dribbles urine a bit too. She has no urine scald, as its a small amount of wee, and she's keeping herself clean. It all started after i got her home after her bout of mucoid enteritis.

The urine tests results basically said that there are urate and calcium oxolate crystals in her urine, and this is not normal. The lab said they could be there as a result of liver failure :( or bladder stones :( . I was advised to run blood tests which revealed there was no liver failure :p but she is slightly anaemic (im thinking some spinach may be good for this as its rich in iron -i think! any other iron rich foods?). The xray revealed nothing, although there is arguably a small speck that could be the start of a bladder stone. However, there were also a few smaller specks on the xray and therefore the 'bladder stone speck' may just be an artefact (randon bits of 'rubbish' that show up on xrays, can be due to muck in the developing chemicals or muck on xray plate etc). So what do i do now? Everything has drawn up a blank! I wonder if it is simply cos she is stressed from being hospitalised and so poorly, and its just an after affect. Although the urine crystals worry me. There's no point in operating to remove the possible crystal, cos even if it is one forming, it is so small thst you prob wouldnt find it! Plus, there is no way i would put her under g/a at the moment. Other than this, she is really well in herself, eating like a pig, putting weight on and generally happy.
Any ideas anyone? Im counting on your advice as im running out of ideas, and so has my vet!

ps, she is 18 months old, female neutered dwarf lop!
i have thought about that, but there are no other signs of EC and i thought it caused liver/kidney damage, which in turn caused the incontinence? Is that correct? Also, is strange cos she isnt technically incontinent a she does use the tray, but she just dribbles a bit, im not sure if that then counts as incontinence? Its just strange. In the earlier stages, we were seeing urine staines on the carpet, but we haven't noticed any for quite a few days, so wonder if its improving? Im just not sure what to make of it all!
I think incontinence as a result of EC is neurological in that the EC spores cause inflammatory changes in the CNS which in turn effects bladder control ie the affected Bun losses 'bladder fullness sensation'. So its not a mechanical problem but a neurological 'wiring' problem

