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Companion Buns and the Smell

I want to adopt a companion for my baby bunny so he can have a friend, but I am concerned about the smell in my small room... has anyone had one bunny for a period of time and introduced a companion? How was the smell increase? If it was bad, how did you get rid of it?
If you litter train your buns and clean out the tray reguarly there should be very little smell. Sometimes you need to experiment with different types of litter to see what works best.
What sort of litter are you using in the litter tray?Are you keeping the window open to help fresh air circulate?
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I have found that wood-based litter in trays getting emptied daily minimises the smell. All my buns are neutered/spayed though, which makes litter training easier & stops them "marking" as much or spraying:D All mine are indoor buns & live in 3 rooms although window is permanently open
I didn't find an increase in smell going from one bun to 5 :) Is your baby bun neutered? Unneutered rabbits smell quite a bit so if you're getting him neutered to find him a friend you'll find a significant decrease in smell
The only time the smell has increased was when I got entire or recently neutered bucks in their pee smells pretty strongly but fades with time after neutering. Occasionally you get a nasty whiff when they eat their ceacals and with two that would be twice the munching time but that is literally just for as long as it takes to chew them up.

My OH had a go at me recently saying I had obviously not cleaned the rabbits out recently as they smelt really bad but I had emptied their tray the day before so couldn't understand it. By the time I got in the study the smell was gone - it seems they like to eat their ceacals when my OH is on the computer because it isn't the first time he has complained they have been making nasty smells :lol: - I just point out that "his" dogs walk in and practically **** in your face when you are having dinner - now that smells ;) !

Is f*a*r*t really a rude word???

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I've got 2 buns now [I only had one until last week] and there is no smell! Yesterday's News is great for stopping smells [I am very much aware how 'lovely' rabbit wee smells :p] and cleaning out the litter tray once a day [or more but usually once is ok] means that they don't smell at all :)

My male mice, however, make all of that null and void with their smell hehehe :)