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goodbye Beyonce

Mine and my mums dwarf lop Beyonce died today from an abcess :cry: She had the abcess in her foot and it had spread to her side and her other leg. The vet said she had barely any chance of survival :cry: So she was put to sleep :cry: Goodbye Beyonce, we love you and miss you so much! Binky free my special little girl, i hope to see you again some day...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :cry:
Beyonce, I have known you for a few years now and you were a beautiful bunny. You really had a beyonce bum and you knew how to shake it. You ruled that garden, with some competition from feisty Roberta. But you were they lady and Benjamin your husband, and Winnie your daughter, will miss you very much. We will also miss you greatly. Another bun taken too soon. Binky free at the bridge special girl... lots of love Auntie Charlotte xxxxxxxxxxxx