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"Santa got stuck up the Chimney" No a BIRD


Mama Doe
The chimney is blocked off and we heard the scrambling of a bird behind the wall.

The said wall


Look what was in the chimney




Getting a drink


After eating at my bird table


He came back for days (we were in the grip of terrible fog so these photos aren't good. He is looking up at the window for me!



The wall afterwards :cry: stuck with sellotape in case it happened again before we got the cap back on the chimney

I'm sorry about your wall but he looks like a lovely bird!
He looks so at home indoors for a wild bird too, he obviously liked you.
Just aswell you were there to rescue it!

My dad has a holiday home with blocked fireplaces, and every now and then you get birds fall down... unfortunately as there is hardly ever anyone there they aren't so lucky... :(
:shock: He was a fortunate bird that he landed in the house of a kind person like you as I can imagine some people would not have been prepared to make a hole to get him out :(

He looks happy on your bird table doesnt he :)
Thank you Mandy. I must admit that I thought he was going to come out covered in soot and fly all over the place :cry: We thought it had to be a teeny bird so were really shocked that it was a jackdaw. We only see them here now and again
Jill wrote

Marlene he looks huge and that beak... you were very brave feeding him by hand

Hi Jill

That was Ian who was holding him and he did bite :cry: I have a brand new fandabedozy bird table as well as that one has fallen to bits in our high winds but Ian hasn't got it up yet and I am not handy at things like that. It has big legs which will need staked to the ground to save it blowing away in our exposed place :lol: :D

I just put out a nummy feed for the little birds and now looked out to see the crows have eaten it :cry: They don't know of course that it is intended for my little birdies :D The water dish is absolutely solid as we are in the grip of a hard frost so will get that sorted in a minute

Have a great Christmas

Aww Marlene, Your so kind, and little Jackdaw (BIG Jackdaw!) was a very lucky boy .. He seems so appreciative of you too, Aww X