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Putting Inside Bunnies Outdoors (not now before you panic!)


Warren Scout
I'm thinking of having Colin and Mia outside from the summer onwards..

So long as I get them a decent hutch/run combo and start putting them out when it's really nice weather they should be ok? Mia went out during the day last summer and seemed to enjoy it, but of course her single hutch/run isn't big enough for the two so I'd get a new one..

I'm guessing that if I start leaving them out overnight when the weather is very mild (summer of course) then they will gradually get used to it and will grow the right coat when it starts to get colder again in Autumn?

I'm doing this mainly because much as I love them in the house, I am slightly allergic to their fur... (I almost gave Mia up because of this, but got her a friend instead to keep her company)
They will be fine as long as they start to go out once the weather gets to be warmer and their accomodation is full of warm dry bedding and protected from the wind and rain. Obviously good Fox-proofing of the hutch and run too

Mine have been outside all summer and have a two tier hutch each and a run but I still worry about them when the weather gets colder :( We have a shed that I could move the hutches in but they wouldn't have all day access to their runs then if we did this because the runs won't fit in the shed. They both have a snugglesafe in their hutches everynight as well as loads of hay in their sleeping quarters - do you think this will be enough? :?
These are the hutches and the bottom bit comes off the hutch so they have access to the runs but only through the day - I shut them in at night.


Foxy said:
Mine have been outside all summer and have a two tier hutch each and a run but I still worry about them when the weather gets colder :( We have a shed that I could move the hutches in but they wouldn't have all day access to their runs then if we did this because the runs won't fit in the shed. They both have a snugglesafe in their hutches everynight as well as loads of hay in their sleeping quarters - do you think this will be enough? :?
These are the hutches and the bottom bit comes off the hutch so they have access to the runs but only through the day - I shut them in at night.



What cute bunnies :D

If they've been out all summer then there's no problem leaving them out in winter, they'll have built up a nice winter coat. The problem is if they haven't had chance to build up their coat due to being inside then it's not fair to put them outside now, best wait until the weather warms up a bit.
Foxy, I moved my rabbits double hutches into the shed last year. I have a lockable catflap in the side of the shed so the rabbits can get access to the outside run. I can lock it at night too if needed. It works really well.
