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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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Neutered Male


Alpha Buck
Hello :D
I have just had my new bunny neutered, i am picking him up from the vets today, will he be ok outside tonight or should he still be kept indoors, even though it is a very hot day :?
Also is post neuter care just the same as post spay care for a female?
Thank you :D
I would keep him inside as the temperature can still drop at night and you can keep on eye on him more easily :)

I've not had a spayed bunny before but would think aftercare would be the same - vetbed etc

Got any pics yet??
Aftercare is fairly similar, although the op for a male is far simpler so he is likely to recover much more quickly and it's less of a problem if he wants to run and jump. I'd probably keep him indoors tonight as the temp could still drop, it's easier to monitor his eating/drinking/pooping, and also it's better to keep him on vetbed/towels etc for a while to prevent straw/hay etc sticking in the wound. Just keep an eye on his wound and pop him back to the vets if it looks swollen/infected etc, but he will more than likely be just fine very soon :D
Thanks, i will keep him in tonight then. :D
Yes here's a pic, i need to take some more!
I got him from Pepper who uses this website. I only collected him Tuesday, and he's a real sweetie! :D

hi when i ahd my buuny boy done the vet recommended that he stayed in for the night so i could keep an eye on him and as said above i had a towel in the bed so the straw and hay di not stick to his wound.
the vet also said to try and let him rest and make sure hes not too active. thats fien in theory how on earth can you keep a bunny still.

i had medicine to give him and found it so hard the vet recommende i use a bigger syringe and top it up with ribena, it worked a treat he loved it! :D
Thank you, I forgot about the medicine part, when i got Pepsi spayed she loved the medicine, couldnt get enough of it :shock: Hopefully he will be the same :D (i doubt it very much :lol: )
I also bought her a vet bed which she ripped to shreds so i think this time i will just use a towel :lol:
Cant wait to see my little man :D
Glad he is ok! :D
Has he settled in well? Aww, i miss him! :( Hes going to have the BEST life with you and pepsi though! Give him a hug from me pleaseee :D

edit: Just found these pics on the computer and though you might be interested in seeing some pics of him as a baby.


Sorry Kate only just saw that, awwwwwww wow! What a cutie!
He's fine, i will give him a cuddle for you!
At the mo he's not vey impressed because he has to stay in his hutch for a while so he doesnt hurt himself, but he will be out and about in no time.