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Sore heels - what treatment?


Mama Doe
Morning everyone

Does anyone know what treatment is best for sore heels on rabbits? I noticed last night that both my rabbits have slighty sore scabby heels.

My garden is half patio and half beach pebbles so I'm guessing it could be exercising on the pebbles, plus they have a run attached to their run which is on concrete.

Lian x
Are sore feet a common problem with Rex`s :?: As I have a rex which is being bonded to Bracken and as she`s been on the concrete today and is over weight Mary has said that she has a small bleed on 1 of her back feet.
My rexes live on a variety of surfaces - wood, wood shavings, straw, earth and concrete and their feet are fine so far. Hoping it stays that way.
had a continental giant with sores. my vet recomended keeping her on lino (she was a house bunny with acsess to the garden so that wasn't a problem) and limiting her time in the garden if it was wet which could soften the scabs leaving the wound open and prone to infection.
her feet were checked twice daily and the sores gently washed and dried, any deterioration saw her put on a course of pain relief and antibiotics.
since your buns are kept on concrete (which if the buns have thin footpads (eg rexs) or are particularly large or overweight) will contribute to the problem. i'd recomended covering, even only partialy part of the run with lino/cardboard..anything less abrasive than concrete.