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Sticky/Watery Eye


Warren Veteran
Bertie has had a bit of a sticky eye.

There was a bit of gungy white stuff near his tear duct which I removed but it still looks a bit watery.

Teddy has been cleaning it for him.

Do I need to worry about this? He seems fine in himself and is still a happy chappy and eating normally.

I don't really want to bathe it if I can help it as I don't want to stress him as he's a wriggler and gets upset if he has to sit still!!
I would clean it off so you can see if more is produced, you also need to keep an eye on his nose for discharge and his front paws (as he would use those to wipe his nose) It may be that he got a piece of sawdust etc in his eye and that's why it's gone like this, but if it continues he may need drops from the vet.
Sounds like he has a touch of conjunctivitis and/or a blocked tear duct.
If the conjunctiva (inner tissue of eyelids etc) looks very red that indicates infection. So antibiotic drops/ointment would be needed.
The fact that Teddy is cleaning Berties eye will help keep the duct as clear as possible. But of course if it is infected Teddy may get it too :roll: :roll:
Although strangely I have found this rarely happens :? :?
Hopefully the prob can be cleared up with antibiotic drops/ointment but if it does not do the trick you might have to consider early dental problems :? :?

Thanks guys, I cleaned it earlier and its still looking a bit watery, although drier than earlier and its not red at all.

His nose and paws are completely dry.

I'm 99% sure his teeth are fine as he eats a lot of dried grass which is quite coaurse as Ted has teeth problems which is why we went on to the dry grass.

Will I be ok to leave him to see if it looks after itself til the morning?