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Yay mutual grooming ^.^


Warren Scout
I'm really happy, I just sat and watched my babies for a little while and finally caught them taking it in turns to groom one another.

For the past couple of days I've noticed how one of them (particularly lagos) will go up to the other one when they are grooming themselves and then stick their head infront of them...I'm assuming this means "Do me too!" :lol: am I right? But anyway, each time the bunny that's cleaning has ignored the other one but today Blossom moved her head under Lagos while he was cleaning and he started licking her head *melts* I was so happy :D And then a few seconds later Lagos flopped onto his side and got a return licking from Blossom and he whenever she stopped he'd grind his teeth for attention again lol.

So yay! I'm happy! Especially after they've seemed a little bit angry with one another for the past few days (a few chases and stuff)