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irritation binkies


Alpha Buck
do buns sometimes do binkies of irritation?

sometimes when tobey is running away from me when i'm trying to brush him, or generally just running away from me when i try and stroke him :roll: he does a sort of binky, and sometimes with a tail shake. then he makes a big deal of shaking his fur and everything.. so is this an irritated binky?

or is he enjoying running away from me?

any ideas?

The foot flick and tail wiggle? Kicking out his back feet like he's trying to shake some dirt off? Yep, I think that's annoyance, mine do it when let out of the carrier after vets trips.

Sort of an ewww, what were you thinking, look what you've done to my fur! :lol:
If i tell Alfie off for something, well i dont shout but say no and move him away from eating my plants - he shakes his head in irritation..i love it cause its so cute!
But also some bunnies do seem to enjoy being 'chased' although obviously not if they think you're a big nasty predator! When my bunnies know it's time to go home but decide they don't want to, Harry runs around the garden doing the head-flick half binky, and Dudley does proper binkies. You can tell from their body language that they know they're being naughty and think giving you the run around is a great game :no:

But equally, I do get foot-flicked from time to time and it is definitely a sign that they are saying "you are the scum of the earth, I shake your dust off my feet, now leave me alone you evil woman" :lol:
I agree with what you say Alison, about them sometime doing it when they know they're being naughty and its more playful. I get semi-binkies and foot flicks when I have to move Kahlo from the lounge when we're going out. It often turns into a playful game of chase with semi-binkies and foot flicks galore, with her trying to get back to the comfy spot that I've just moved her from.

I get them both if I put my hand out to stroke her and she's not in the mood... she just runs away with a flick of the heels and shakes any remnants of me off.....
Darby hated being picked up but sometimes i had too. When i put her down she would run away flicking her feet as if to say "Ewww dirty human touching me!!" :lol: She would then have a big grooming sesion. Do you think she was trying to tell me something? :lol: