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Teen-aged bunnies again!

Nicola C

Mama Doe
Well, this morning just as I was getting up, o/h turned to me and said, 'did you hear the bunnies last night, they were making quite a bit of noise?' and I hadn't, as if I had I'd have been straight in to see if they were ok. So as soon as he said that, I went to check on them and this is what I found....

Hayrack pulled down, litter tray dragged across the cage floor (how?? :shock: ), poo on the carpet and all over the cage floor (from the little darlings kicking it out of the litter tray), shredded newspaper.........And little Mea sat in the middle trying to look like a little angel.
I left the room to get some stuff to clear up and when I came back Mia had joined in and although you can't see it in this pic started kicking poo and woodflake at me...

As I was asking them what on earth were they doing making such a mess, I could almost hear them saying 'Bovvered, do you fink we are bovvered?' Teenagers!!!!! :roll: :lol:
Nicola x
:shock: :shock: sorry, but :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What naughty bunnies! :no: Shame on you. :wink: Your poor mummy having to clean up that mess. :lol: :lol:
Sorry but............. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You want to see Angel and Digby`s shed in the morning, it`s always totally trashed! :shock: :lol: I swear it takes me longer to do their shed than it did to do my horse! :roll: :lol: :lol:
When Bob was entering his "Kevin" phase I'd often stop him form doing something he wasn't supposed to and he'd just look at me with this expression on his face like "what? me? nah I'm just sitting here". How could I be mad? Even when he went right back to it!

By the way your cage is ace it looks massive. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get it from and how much did it cost?
On the first night that we brought my babies home we had them at the foot of the bed (we sleep upside down :roll: ) and they were on a little table which mean that when they went nuts during the night I got covered in the bedding..yay :roll: :wink: My two are little messy ******* too :lol:
:lol: Oh Nicola that's so funny :lol: Remind me again, when are you going to put them outside, has Ed resigned himself to them being house bunnies yet :wink:
Hee hee! :lol: When I tried to sweep up the poo and woodflake little Mea jumped on the dust pan and tried to chew the brush, she is so funny! And you're right Aprilshower I'm not really cross with them, it makes me chuckle. last night when they had some visitors, they both hid the whole time and wouldn't come out at all, then jumped off their godmothers lap and ran off, as soon as out guests had left, they were straight back to playful, social little monkeys again, honestly :roll:
Hi Alison, they were going to go back out again a few weeks ago when it was nice and warm, but the frosts have extended their stay indoors, yay! :D We really need to decorate that spare room though, so their indoor days may be numbered (although I may sneak them back in at night :wink: )
Hey Dan, the cage is a 48" dog crate that we got off Ebay for £30 and my o/h made the ramp to create another level. It is soooooo handy as it can be flat packed to take to my Mum's or the bunny's godmothers for bunnysitting while we are away. They also have a (vacant) 3 story hutch and 7ft run, both of which came from Ebay.
(Am at work at the moment, so had better try to look busy).
Nicola x
SammieHernandez said:
(we sleep upside down :roll: ) and they were on a little table which mean that when they went nuts during the night I got covered in the bedding..yay :roll: :wink: My two are little messy ******* too :lol:

You sleep upside down :shock: what like bats! :lol:
Where did you get that cage.. :shock: :shock: I've been looking for a set-up exactly like that! :shock:

lol CUTE buns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BubbleBee said:
Where did you get that cage.. :shock: :shock: I've been looking for a set-up exactly like that! :shock:

lol CUTE buns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I was just wondering that. I love their big set-up. It's so spacious.
I love Ebay!!!! O/h is driven mad by me always buying things on it, but sometimes you can get a good bargain, the dog crate only cost £30 and because it was quite close we went to collect it, so didn't have to pay postage. I can't tell how useful it has been, the only bad thing is it is quite heavy. But the fact that it folds flat is great for transporting and taking the buns to stay with their Auntie and Grandmother if we are away. Also see the information section on the forum telling you how to put another level in.
Good luck!
Nicola x
aawww what little terrors you have! :lol: :lol: :lol:
My two also have a 48" dog crate from ebay.. there are lots on there, i would think you could get one posted over to Ireland.. not sure about america but you might be lucky :wink:
Daisy spends her night flinging the litter tray around...and Fidget, who is normally as good as gold, spent about 4 hours of my precious sleeping time being noisier than if I had a herd of donkeys in my room! What are they like!!