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moving house bunnies to the garage - any help?


New Kit

I am looking for some advice and thought that this would be the best place to come! I have two lop bunnies. They used to live outdoors and were fine. When we moved house, they seemed to be quite frightened, so i brought them indoors. I think that they may have been seeing predators at night, although nothing could get to them. They have been inside over the winter but I have had to put them outdoors again. They aren't out in the cold - they are comfy in their own hutch, in the garage.

I feel quite bad putting out my little house bunnies, but it was unavoidable - any advice on making the move more comfortable for them?

So long as there's no car in the garage, they should be fine with plenty of hay to nest in - I'm hoping the cold weather's finished now as I'm sick of covering my hutches with duvets, rugs and plastic bags/bubble wrap every night, and uncovering it all again next morning - better than a workout at the gym! :lol:
Thanks Elve,
They have plenty of hay and there is no car in the garage. Hope that the cold weather is over for you and your buns!!
One concern is if you drive your car inside, the smell of gasoline takes awhile to dissipate in the air, so you have to leave the garage door open, or the entrance door open to get rid of the gasoline smell.

and make sure there is no wind toward the rabbits during this time.
The garage is a really good place for buns to live. Warmer than outdoors in winter, and in summer when they are too hot playing outside, the garage is a brilliant place for them to cool off. Mine have the run of the garage all day, and when i go to bed they go in a hutch, which is just left open the rest of the time. The hutch should be big enough for it not to be cruel to lock them up in it, so i advise for about 2-3 hours a day that you open the garage doors with them locked in the hutch, as natural light is vital. Hope this helps xx