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bunnies stressed

lauren K.

Young Bun
I got an AC, so that my bunnies wont die of heat stroke (it's in the 90s F here now--30s C, I think). Problem is they hate hate hate the noise it makes, Everytime I put it on, the flop on tyheir side and look angry and sad and run and hide. I've never seen them so stressed and angry. Any one else ever had a similar problem? I can't turn it off, or they'll overheat, but when I out it on they look sooooo miserable. :cry: :cry:

Any advice would be appreciated
Could try recording the noise and playing it back quieter so they can get used to it.

Flopping on their side means they are relaxed. If they run and hide then they are scared.

It is probably just a noise they need to get used too. With my bunnies it took them a while to realise the hoover wasn't scary and they ignore it now!

Tamsin's idea is pretty good.
