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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.



Young Bun
Hi everyone

As some of you know I adopted 4 bunnies from my local sanctuary just over a week ago. All are supposed to be seen by a vet to get clearance to leave. One of my buns gave birth to 4 babas last friday night so she obviously wasn't checked out that closely and now I've just taken Mo to the vet as she seems to be struggling to breathe only to be told she has pnuemonia :cry: . The vet said I'd caught it early and she should be ok but just feel that surely this too should have been picked up on. :x

So once again can I be cheeky and ask if anyone has had a bun with this have they any advice.

Many thanks, you're all fab!

Keeley & her 7 buns
awwwwwww Im so sorry to hear about your poorly bun, well done you for picking up on her condition so quickly. I hope she gets better very soon, sorry I have no advice to offer but Im sure someone will be along shortly :D

How are the mum and babies doing??
Mummy and babies seem to be doing just great. I don't really interfere very much, just check they are alive and leave mummy to carry on the good work. Mummy seems to be building up some trust in me, eating out of my hand and letting me put my hand in her cage without lunging at me. God knows what's happen to her to make her so aggressive but I'm going to work with her to make her trust me fully.

Thanks for asking and fingers crossed for my surviving babies and poorly Mo.

So sorry to hear about your poorly Mo - no advice I'm afraid but fingers crossed for you and Mo. You'll have so much fun with those babies - how many has she got? :wink:
I did have four babies but I lost 2 on Sunday night so I'm praying these two pull through. I have seven buns at the moment!

Stories like this really annoy me - they can really affect the reputation of good rescue centres when others let rabbits be rehomed pregnant and poorly. In your situation, I would be really cross and complain to the rescue.
I have no experience of either of your issues but there are several threads on here re. babies so it may be worth using the search facility to have a browse around - has the vet recommended anything for the pneumonia?
I am really annoyed, but I also feel blessed. Annie could have gone somewhere else where both her and her babies wouldn't be as wanted and loved as they are here. As for Mo, She's had two injections and is on oral medicine starting from tomorrow. The vet advised me to try and use jam as bunnies love this!! Not heard this one before but am willing to try!

bugaluggs said:
I am really annoyed, but I also feel blessed. Annie could have gone somewhere else where both her and her babies wouldn't be as wanted and loved as they are here. As for Mo, She's had two injections and is on oral medicine starting from tomorrow. The vet advised me to try and use jam as bunnies love this!! Not heard this one before but am willing to try!


I would be wary about feeding jam having watched my mum make it as a kid I know how much suger goes into it :shock: complex sugars feed the bad bacteria in the rabbit's gut which can lead to stasis which won't help if the rabbit is already ill.

Natural unsweetened fruit juices such as apple have worked well to mix with antibiotics like Baytril to make it taste nicer, or mashing it with a bit of banana (providing your bunny isn't allergic to it like mine :roll: ) or on their favourite treat.

For the medicine just get a bowl of grass or grated cabbage.. whatever she likes and drizzle the medicine over the top. Works for Sooty and Lolly. Or i make a cabbage sandwich...half leaf...drizzle...stick other half on top...easy!!!
The problem I've got at the moment is that Mo isn't eating at all. This is why the vet suggested jam, to try and whet her appetite and also not to stress her out further forcing medicine into mouth but I'll certainly try all your suggestions.

Thank you so much.


If Mo isn't eating, I'd try some of her favourite foods just to get her going... is she dehydrated at all? If so, syringe, very carefully, some water into her mouth. :)
I hope the other kits are okay and everything works out well... it's so horrible when you hear of other, not so caring, 'rescues' who do this! :evil:

I have a bunny called bubbles who gets pneumonia, mostly in the winter when the weather is damp.

She had a bad spell the other week and I think it was the very hot weather we had all of a sudden which triggered it off. She is 8 years old now and each time she pulls through but it is very important to catch it early. When she recovers make sure you check her every day to see that it doesn't come back. This last time was the first time she went off her food but once I got the anti biotics in her for about 48 hours she makes a quick recovery.

What about putting the meds on toast, bunnies seem to love toast specially wholemeal or granery. Mine is pretty good I just hold her head and slip the syringe in the side of her mouth as quick as I can.

I've lost count how many times she has had it now and it is something I have learnt to manage and watch out for. She is a very happy bunny and full of life and very good for her age.

Best wishes hope all goes well

Thank you so much for all your kind posts. The sanctuary I got them from is a good reputable one and as a rule they do a fantastic job. All buns, cats, dogs etc are really well cared for and I really do think I've just been a bit unlucky. The staff have since been on the phone and even sent me some info in the post yesterday (re the babies)

Mo seems a little better today and has nibbled on a carrot during the night and seems to have drank some water. All my buns get toast at night - its a fab little treat although Mo wasn't interested last night but I'll try again. The main problem I have is that I only got Mo a week ago and she is still very nervous around me. Maybe its the stress of being rehomed that has caused this, I don't know but I'm trying hard to cure my bun!


I think you are doing brilliantly - it must be very stressful for you - we have to deal with other goings on in our lives too and all together =very stressful! My thoughts are with you and the buns - take carexx
Aww, what a lovely thing to say thank you so much. Yes, I do have quite a busy life too as I have a very active 13 month old son to look after! He thinks our back garden is Teletubbie land! But nonetheless I'm just as dedicated to my furry babies!

I will let you know how I get on with Mo.
Your Poorly Bunny

Awww my thoughts are with you! As well as their medication from the vet I would try and keep the buns as warm as possible, nice warm hot water bottles for them to sit on (with a nice soft cover on of course!) are ideal, they get cold especially through the night.

Also when syringe feeding - science recovery is very good - available from your vet, it is a complete food - contains everything a rabbit needs.

Note also I heard that when you are syringe feeding not to direct the syringe directly to the back of the buns throat as it could go down their windpipe and as bunny's can't be sick this can be fatal. Apparently you are supposed to direct the syringe sideways - as I have tried before more often than not it either squirts out of the other side of the buns mouth and dribbles down their cutie chin, or they hold it in their mouth and don't swallow it. A gentle stroking of the chin/neck (if u can get to it) or anywhere else for that matter should encourage the bun to swallow.

Hope this helps & good luck
OMG what a shock that must have been, it sounds unreal. Have you tried a little piece of toast to tempt the bunny cos this worked once for me.

Unfortunately it is very real and yes a shock. But Mo has eaten quite a bit in the night which is such a relief. I've just given her some more to eat and she actually seemed interested which is more than the last few days. Her breathing is still laboured but she still has some medication (Baytril) to go so fingers crossed she is on the mend.

I also took a peek at my babies yesterday, they have grown so much in just one week. They are starting to get fur, I have one black one and one black and white. They are adorable and mummy is doing a fab job.
